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A/N it's been changed so that Techno is spending their lunch with them, instead of their break. 


wil: Hey techno how you doing without us? Lonely? 

me: i was kidnapped 

phil: you alright m8? 

me: they're talking about dogs 


wil: Yes you do tommy 

phil: who's 'they'? 

techno: dream sapnap and george, dream dragged me here

infant: ew american people

me: tommy im american. 

infant: your the blade it doesn't count

I raise an eyebrow, smiling but confused on what this child's logic abided by. Does me being 'The Blade' override the fact that I'm American? Makes literally no sense but alright. 

"Techno, whatcha looking at?", Dream peaks over my shoulder, his mouth making a small 'o'. I close my phone, staring up at the blond, 'I am checking my texts, why?'

"George and Sapnap went to grab some books from the library for their class and I'm bored."

Well this is rather inconvenient, I'd rather not interact with human beings anymore, this is tiring. No offence to the guy, interaction's just irrationally hard. 


"I'm bored, wanna race?"

'... Like run and compete for first place?'

"Yeah, yes or no?"

How bored is this dude to want to race? Pity compels me, it couldn't hurt to just race this guy, right? 


"Lap twenty! C'mon Blade, tired already?"

I want to say yes but my ego. Blood for the blood god I guess. 

"One minute break. Do you have unlimited stamina or somethin'..?"

"I mean I'm agile I guess. Unlimited stamina is a little overkill, don't you think?"

"I would disagree but alright."

I am not convinced, we have run twenty laps around the entire track, thirty seconds breaks in between and he is still not tired. What is he? God? That'd explain a lot but why on earth is a god attending high school.  Why is god terminally ill. 

"Nine, eight, seven, six-"

Has this guy seriously been counting? 

"Stop counting, start the countdown." I tossed my jacket to the side, readying myself into a running start position, giving a brief sigh. 

He smiles, getting ready and beginning to count. 

"One, two, three, GO!"

We sprint, barely keeping up with each other like all the previous rounds and around halfway, I slow down slightly but like I said, this guy has insane stamina, and keeps going at the exact same pace if not faster. 

He gets a few inches in front of me, and finishes the track seconds before I do. 

"I refuse to believe that you don't have unlimited stamina. You've barely even broken a sweat.'"

"What do you mean? I'm totally sweaty."

"You've ran twenty one laps and you don't look like a soaked mess, that counts for something. Do you just not produce sweat and never fatigue?"

"Genes..?" his voice cracks at the end as he shrugged. 

As if genes could grant that, did he go to a stamina camp as a child and lose his sweat glands? How would you even lose your sweat glands...

No wonder he could actually beat me up in fights, he never threw particularly hard punches but often threw plenty at the same area, half of them landing successfully and the others missing through swift evasion. We'd both get bruised and injured the same despite that, I never looked forward to Phil telling me off afterwards. 

"I'm going to go to the bathroom, be right back," he says rather grimly, suspicious but I don't think that warrants me following him. He grabs his backpack, slinging it over one shoulder and slipping his arm through the other strap. 

His movements are a little sluggish, scarily contrasting to how he was just running for the past fifteen minutes. Speaking of time, how much lunch did I have left? I grab my jacket, lazily tossed at the edge of the tracks, and find my phone. 

Nine minutes left till period four, I should probably clean myself up (sweat and all). I think those Sapnap and George guys probably won't be coming back so I'm probably free to leave. Probably are the main words here, I'm going to risk and assume that it's alright. 

I cough until my throat sores, violently spluttering and maybe concerning to anybody who would walk in, not that there were many that used the school's bathrooms anyway. Not necessarily because they're disgusting but they just aren't used often. 

My eyes widen slightly seeing blood on my palm, looking at the mirror noticing the small smudges of blood near my mouth. I wipe them tentatively with a little water, my finger covered in a carmine dilute. 

I frown, this is the third time I've coughed up blood this week. Probably because I just ran an insane amount of laps but I'm just going to ignore that stupid decision. Flip my inability to interact with words. 

But Techno is half right, I have had a decent amount of stamina but the thing is that the adrenaline I got usually suppressed the side effects of exercise. After maybe ten minutes, sometimes shorter, they'd arise. Recently it's been little things like coughing up blood, losing consciousness occasionally (usually reaching home before then) and pounding headaches. Anyway it wasn't that bad, I wouldn't push myself too hard anyway. (Totally hasn't already happened. Nope.)

"Is that blood..?"

Techno walked in, his face confused and concerned, exactly what Dream needed right now. 


How the heck was I supposed to explain that I got overly excited, over exerted myself and was now going to probably pass out any minute? Yeah no, not today thanks. 

How, though, on earth can I disguise something that the guy had already seen? Was telling Techno inevitable? 


Okay. My voice definitely came out much wobblier than I had intended. The other raises an eyebrow, giving a blatant stare at the blood on my hand causing me to promptly hide it behind my back. 

"I kind of already know you're sickly and all so can you just explain this?"

I puff, giving in quickly, "Just overworked myself a little too much is all, no worries."

"I'd say coughing up blood is a concern, just in my opinion of course," sarcasm obviously laced in his tone. 

I glanced to my left nervously, giving a strained chuckle.

"Errr, it's not concerning?" my voice cracks slightly at the end, still stupidly shaky. 

"I'm very convinced," he shifted his weight onto one foot, crossing his arms. 

Is running a good idea? Running away from my issues, that's totally worked before. 



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10K reads! woohoo! anyway next chapter here I come (heads up, next chapter is continuation and then the actual plot plot will start)

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