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I am shaken awake by what seems to be Phil, Wilbur holding one hand and Tommy the other, all as worry ridden as the last. Sapnap is tired, leaning against the wall, but I think happy to see I'm awake..

Tubbo, coming in, passes me a bottle of water and I sip it, my appetite for any food or drink gone after the somewhat traumatic experience.

'Y-you okay Big T?' Tommy gives a firm-ish squeeze as he tries to hold the tears forming in his eyes but in the end, all I can see is his corpse being lowered into his grave, hearing the soft pitter patter of the droplets as they collided onto the surrounding grass.

'Can I give you a hug?' I nod but as Tubbo embraces me, all I can remember is his face, the the alternate me shooting him, scarring him mentally and physically forever.

Phil gives an understanding nod and he pats me on the head, something people tend to not do anymore. Maybe it's because it's universally known that I'm not really comfortable with being touched by strangers. Chances are that I'll punch them and fracture their arm accidentally in the heat of the moment), especially on the head, but Phil touching me is alright, or just the 'scary' aura I apparently have off nowadays.

I used to look maybe not less intimidating, but definitely didn't stand out as much but after that one failed experiment where Wilbur was going to dye the tips of my hair blond, accidentally poured the pink instead. So, we just went screw it, might as well, and dyed my whole fucking head. Now I look like a neon haired gang member with crayon hair.

Wilbur gives a weak smile, a quick hug and he steps aside, still holding my hand, revealing the noiret.

He nods and begins to talk, scrolling through his phone as if reading through texts.

'George ended up going to hospital with Dream and the doctor's say he's fine but haven't found out why he collapsed. They suspect it to be his weak immune system or fatigue, not entirely sure right now.

Dream's in good hands, George's dad will be with him since he's a doctor there. We can visit him after school but I don't think we'll be allowed to leave any earlier unless you want to ditch but I highly doubt that with your perfect streak.'

I sigh because I know he's right and I can't reason with that. My attendance has been perfect for the entirety of the years at this damned school, I had taken pride in it by now. It was common knowledge for Dream, his friends and anybody who knew me personally.

I wasn't ready to give it up yet but then again, would I really be able to wait another couple of hours before seeing his condition with my own eyes?

I debate it, perhaps I could, perhaps I couldn't. I would have to take the risk, see how long I can go.

'You're right.'

I look at the clock framed on the wall, the hands reflecting the near start of the next lesson. We had basically skipped maths, meaning it was english next.

'You okay?' Wil gives a firm squeeze, his voice laced with a bitter, sad undertone.

'I'm fine, I'm gonna go to the next lesson.'

I wasn't a fan of any plays to be honest but I had to go nonetheless. I leave first, waving goodbye to everybody and in my peripheral vision, I can see a distrustful, concerned glance from Sapnap but I ignore it.

Alone is what protected me. Alone is what'll protect me.

The rest of the day goes excruciatingly slow but looking back on it, quite quickly.

We do the Blood Brother's play and I act as Mrs Lyons who doesn't have many lines anyway but I still somehow manage to stutter. It's barely noticeable and I get no weird stares or looks even but that doesn't reassure me in the slightest.

Most lessons go on as per usual, each teacher more adamant than the last that they didn't know anything about what happened to Dream but the protests of the students growing louder. If anything, the teacher would have most likely been informed; the students weren't that dumb.

Everything goes smoothly, no teacher minding or bothering me until history.

Of course it's Mr Dez but today, I honestly don't want to talk with him or really anybody to be honest. It was last period, I was desperate for time to just speed up and let me go already.

We were learning about ancient history, ancestry and something else; under usual circumstances I would be paying but attention but today, my memory was starting to blur, formimg a haze.

'Techno, you don't look very well. Is it Dream you're concerned about?'

He's already keeping me after class, that alone would have made me punch somebody. If I didn't like him, maybe I'd take that route. I know he's concerned but I couldn't care less at this rate. I need to go.

'I'm going to go visit him, see you next lesson sir.' I walk out, meeting with Sapnap outside the door. In the corner of my eye, I can see a concerned, perhaps hurt expression but honestly, I couldn't be bothered right now.

I knew that calling him 'sir left a bitter taste in my mouth but it was what I had in the moment.'

'Can you drive? My car's kind of in the repair place so yeah. I'll send you the address on the group chat.'

I nod briefly, looking across the expanse of cars, seeing mine in the distance. I point to the magenta vehicle, giving him a light nudge as he looks over, starting to walk as I follow behind closely.

He gives the address on 'DreamTeam + Techno', I try to go as quickly as I can, try to stay within speed regulation but my sense of logic is starting to blur.

I pass by my house, then the one I recognize to be Tubbo and Tommy's and finally, Dream's. I glance away guiltily, keeping my eyes on the road.

The GPS says we're close, maybe two minutes more away; my fingers start to shake a little, making my grip looser than I would want.

Sapnap gives a small, concerned 'hm?' as he looks away from the window briefly, then turning back, his eyes glossy as he frowned.

I look at the hospital, finally coming into view. It's a sickeningly bright yet bleak white and the building towers over its surroundings, casting shadows as it did so.

I step out of the car, followed by Sapnap, who steps out gingerly, his knuckles white as he slowly made way to the entrance.

He is the one who talks at the reception, I stay back. The receptionist doesn't particularly give a good 'feeling', their icy glare reminiscent of mine.

The employee, 'Ellis' doesn't really seem like he wants to be here in the slighest and a stern, solemn expression decorates his face.

I attempt to give a smile, which only comes out as a small tug on the corner of my lips, as I leave. He gives a tired smile back and I feel a little more assured.

[1272 words]

ANOTHER CHAPTER AND IT HASN'T BEEN FIVE WEEKS, WOO HOO! tbh im planning for ellis to be an actual part of the plot but no idea how to transition from stranger to 'hey were buds' but itLl worK ouT. ACTUALLY NEXT PLOT IDEA WORKS, excuse me i need to get scribbling.

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