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Everything is hazy as I try to remember what happened. 

I bolt up, immediately tugged back by wires linked to arms. A familiar face rushes over, cooing and gently pushing me back to a resting position. 

'Don't get up too quickly muffinhead, do you remember what happened?'

'Um..' I try to remember but all that comes with it is little to no memory and a throbbing headache. He gingerly places a hand on my head and calls over for what seems to be an intern for painkillers or medicine for headaches, I'm not sure which. 

The intern rushes over, passing him an orange bottle of something and a glass of almost-spilling water. Bad thanks the intern and says something but I can't hear it very well. I read his lips, 'This...is.... Fred...y. I mutter the name, Fredy. I figure it's more logical to say Freddy. 

He utters something again, 'This...is..new...tern'. This is the new intern. Freddy gives me a small wave and a dopey smile. 

He was a dark brunette, with a small constellation of freckles littered over his face and a welcoming smile although awkward. He looked similar to the boy at the reception, Ellis. I wondered if they had any relation, siblings or cousins maybe. Maybe they didn't know each other, who knows. 

He looks over to his left, seemingly to hear something. A small wave, and he's gone.

It turns black and I'm woken up again, this time by muffled voices. They sound concerned but their figures are blurry and hard to decipher from their surroundings. 

'Oh Dream! You're awake, thank goodness!' I nod, sitting up slightly to see this person. I recognize the blue shirt and the slightly shrill voice, this should be George?

'Hey George, uh, how long have I been asleep?' My voice comes out slightly hoarse and wobbly, I glance at where the clock should be but of course, it's blurry like the rest of my surroundings. 

I blink, things are a tad clearer and I can confirm it's the same screaming brunet I know. He scratches his neck, a new habit he probably picked up from Sapnap, giving a hesitant frown. 

'Erm, you've only been asleep for three and a half hours, the doctors say you'll have to stay at least a day longer for inspection and prescriptions.'

'Oh ok.' He looks at me, a combination of pity, guilt and sadness all in his eyes. 

'Just, go back to sleep alright? 

I try to even slightly resist but the fatigue from being awake from only a few minutes knocks me back into sleep. This time though, it's not a full sleep as I have some conscience left as I know that vaguely, people are talking though I can barely understand what they’re saying even with a lot of effort.

I hear small mutters and people entering and leaving my room but it's dark, their voices aren’t barely enough for me to recognise who they are. After a while, the voices stop: they stop entering, they stop leaving and it's silent except for the hum of the machines and the steady beat of the monitor, assuring me that I’m still alive even though I don’t feel as if I am.

I don't know when but some time after that, I started blinking in and out of consciousness, a small time of darkness between each fleeting memory. My memories tended to be blurry and hard to recall when I'm given the medicine they give. 

The next, 'clear' memory I have is a pleasant one. I wake up to see Bad nearby, talking to his intern about something. George is sitting on a chair, probably either asleep or almost asleep. His eyes are closed, small shadows forming under them. I sit up to get a better look, I frown. 

It’s a weird emotion or rather feeling to describe but it hurts; George is already going through so much and I didn’t want to add the stress of my lacking health. Too bad it already happened, all I can do now is really try to stress less but it’s hard when you’re constantly on the verge of perhaps death.

They estimated maybe two years at most but I doubt I’ll have the full two years, maybe a year and a half if I’m lucky. At least? I’m not sure in all honesty.

The door opens, creaking open slowly as a figure appears at the door, another trailing behind him: Sapnap. I sat up a little more, fixing my posture as I rubbed my eyes, offering a small, probably tired, smile. Sapnap looks ecstatic at my less-than-ideal but still better condition and immediately runs up to give me an awkward, careful embrace. 

From behind him, the pinket walks in, strangely timid. I shrug it off as a shock thing but then again, this was George and Sapnap’s first time experiencing ‘this’ too. 

Speaking of George, he’s still soundly sleeping, Their eyes avert to where I’m looking, Sapnap realising he may have been a little too loud. He gives me a dopey smile, as if that would do anything and the brunette stirs, squinting at the dim lights of a hospital room. 

The brunet looks at us, giving a sleepy raise of his lips, barely recognisable as a smile and yawns, stretching his arms out.

‘Hmm..? What time is it?’ George asks, rubbing his eyes as he stood up, waddling towards us like a child.

‘Uh, it’s…’ the noiret glances at his phone and in unison, says aloud along with the pinket,’ Exactly five PM.’

The two glance at each other, Techno shrugging it off and Sapnap bursting into a fit of laughter, slapping his thigh as he squats down, laughing still. I smile, a weak and slightly pained one, but a smile nonetheless. 

George chuckles, standing beside me adjacent to the other two and I'm happy. This moment is calm and in all honesty, the tranquility makes me grateful.  

I love this moment, I'm happy. 

I don't care that I'll die soon, I'm satisfied when I experience moments like this.

[1055 words]


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