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He lets out a sleepy yawn, 'mmh?'

'Oh, you're, uh,  awake, can you move? I mean, as nice as it is with you literally laying in my lap, you're heavier than you look.'

A smug, clearly amused grin decorates my face as I watch a very flustered Techno scuttle and stumble away, his cheeks tinged with a hint of pink.

'Uh,' he rubs his eyes drowsily, 'what time is it?'

'It's like eight already, why?'

'bRuhh.' the pinkette groans, scrambling off of the floor and reaching for his phone as he bolts down the stairs and out the door. Did Mum not lock the door as she left today?

On second note, Techno looked awfully panicky there. I theorize the possible reasons why he was in such a hurry but eventually end the thought with little to no idea as to why, only whimsical ideas. I would ask him but my pride's already a bit bruised from this past week or so, so maybe later.

I tidy up the blankets strewn across the floor, letting out a long sigh as I fold the blankets swiftly, shoving them into a closet.

Mum comes peering in through the door and I give a brief nod, letting her in. She sits herself neatly on the edge of my bed, patting the space next to her for me to join. I walk over slowly and sit down, grasping her hand in mine.

'So, how was that?'

'I-it was alright. My legs feel really weak though, he was laying his head in my laps and I didn't want to wake him up so I didn't bother and I don't even know how the moron got onto my lap and actually fell asleep and-'

'Sweetie, we have all night to talk about this but slow down a bit will you? Catch your breath alright? Also, don't call your friend a moron, it can hurt.'

I sigh, knowing she's right in more than one way but the adrenaline rush of what happened is so tempting and when I rush, I'm very unfiltered to say the least. Despite all of this surprisingly, I manage to calm down for a few seconds, then start ranting again but this time, at a considerably slower pace.

She gives me the occasional 'mhm' for the complicated parts of the day but for the majority of the time, just holds my hand, gives a reassuring smile and listens; that's more than enough.

By the end of my rant, complain, report-to-mum-how-the-day-has-been, I'm absolutely exhausted from talking so much so Mum kisses me on forehead, bids me goodnight and leaves, nagging me to get some sleep for once.

I walk to the bathroom, hanging onto the railings for dear life by the end of the few meters walk as I clasp onto the rails, stabilizing myself. If anything, I bet it's karma for letting me walk so much today. I do my nightly routine: brush my teeth, thoroughly wash my face and a bit of skincare. I return to my room and tuck myself in contently.

Today, I've become friends with Technoblade thanks to George and Sapnap, I'll have to thank them later. I've walked more than I have in days in one go and haven't got that tired at the time.

I think I can sleep nicely tonight.

Goodnight, the lights flicker off.

I rush back home where I take the shortest route to Marcello's house; climb the growing oak tree in the garden, stand on the highest branch which also tends to be the most thin and unstable and over Mr Anderson's fence. Onto his maple tree, over his fence and into a creepy alleyway where as soon as you get out, take another right and arrive soon after. A twenty minute walk turns into a five minute parkour course.

I manage to regain my breath for a few seconds as I ring the doorbell, only to be greeted by Lucia, Marcello's older sister.

'Oh hey Techno, wanna come in? Ava's been waiting, well not really, she wants to play a bit longer. They're playing a round of chess right now actually.'

'Thanks, Marcello's room I presume?' I step in, taking off my shoes and leaving them aside and out of the way.


I mutter a quick thanks as I take my time going up the stairs, going around the corner to my right and two rooms in, the door labelled clearly with a large 'Do Not Disturb' on a sign hanging on the doorknob.

I give the door a few knocks and enter the room. Both kids are on the floor, Marcello sat cross-legged and Ava hugging his knees, intensely focused on their chess game as they proceeded in silence. Marcello seems to perk up, perhaps a new idea formulating in his head.

'Oh hey big bro, let me finish this and we can g-'

'Checkmate Ava.' he says as he moves his bishop, a tower already closing the king in with no other pieces to save it.

She signs in defeat, shoving the chess pieces into their container before springing up, taking my hand and waving Marcello goodbye with the other.

'Bye Marce, see you on Monday!'

'Bye Ave, see you!'

We walk down the stairs, give a brief goodbye to Lucia and start walking back.

'So, how was today?'

'Oh oh, it was really really fun! Marcy and I played chess and I won 4-3 times but he completely beat me at Risk. I don't mind, I think chess is better than risk anyway!' She grins and I smile.

We arrive by nine and I tuck her into bed after she finishes her milk and brushes her teeth. I kiss her goodnight, a sweet, short story about two siblings and a gingerbread house and close the lights, leaving the door slightly ajar.

I go into the bathroom: brush my teeth, comb my unruly hair into a manageable ponytail that I'd have to braid later and wash my face.

I stare at my wrists, frowning at the marks of shame and guilt piled up physically on my body. I think back to Dream. The way he looked at me with those empathic, understanding eyes and for once, as if everything had been predicted somehow, his mask was slightly tilted to the side, lying comfortably on the side of his head.

I had seen his face numerous times whether it be in the nurse's office where she would patch him up back into shape gently while she gave me a dirty glare, chucking a first aid kit at me or when we would be forced into detention and under the watching eyes of Halo, the school president and his lackey, Skeppy. I say this jokingly; over the thousands of detentions we must have had by now, we had become acquaintanced, perhaps even friends. Sometimes in these boring times, he'd take off his mask just for the fun of it.

Nevertheless, it still amazed me everytime. Something about his face raised so many questions that at the same time, couldn't be put into words. It was unexplainable, really only understandable by me of course.

I tug at my sleeves, hiding the hideous scars as I went to my own bedroom. I closed the lights, tucked myself into bed and stared at the ceiling, hoping the exhaustion from all of the social interaction would kick in any second.

This week has been terrible for my sleep, not that it's usually 'good' anyway.

I get literally no sleep.

[1334 words]

BONJOUR MON AMIS, hello I'm not french just an avid fan of hamilton and 'broken boy (lams)' on wattpad lol. Anyways yay 1K reads! I would do a QnA but I'm not that popular but, still, always feel free to drop me a question. I'll just do a wholesome or angsty christmas special in commemoration. aha, angsty followed by comfort? mUaHaahaaa

(oh yeah do you guys like the new pov thing? jk, props to anybody who noticed though. makes the chapter look 'sleeker' and more efficient so why not)

president tubbo

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