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Brother has gone out again. He tells me he'll sleep but I know he doesn't. I see his eyes, they're tired. I shouldn't worry about things like this my age, nobody else does but I do. I hope that the 'Dream' boy will change Techno for good. Maybe just change his habits, that's all I'm asking for.

Dream does seem nice but something bothers me about it. It's hard to explain but something's off and I can't tell what. Techno seems okay with him though so it'll be fine.

Techno brings me to the school thing and I'm left to play with the toys. They call it a school but it's more of a kindergarten than anything; we don't even really learn much. None of the kids are here yet, only the caretakers. They aren't very entertaining and spoil the kids too much. They'll have big egos; that's what brother would say probably. They also find my words strange but I learn from brother so I don't really like that or them.

I'm slightly worried for today; my friend's birthday is today but I didn't get time to prepare anything. I'm thinking of making him a card before he arrives. I have maybe around fifteen to thirty minutes depending on different factors. I wonder if he'll bring cake?

Maybe I can bring some home for Techno, would it be strange to? I grab a piece of paper and fold it in half. It's a little wonky but understandable for my age I guess. I grab an array of crayons: purple, yellow, blue and green.

I scribble in big letters on the front, adding an illustration of a birthday cake. I do the rest quickly, leaving me a few minutes to spare. More children are here.

They're all so loud and obnoxious that I'd love to maybe just punch one of them. That'd cause trouble for brother so it's probably better not to. I wonder where I get my personality from?

I'm most similar to brother, mum is not in this equation and then there's dad. Techno says that he inherits most of his genetic features from dad. Mum said I was very smart for my age but I think the credit goes to Techno.

He taught me more things than anybody else. He's my hero, despite how I cringed at the thought of saying it aloud.

'Hey Ava! Guess who's birthday it is?' he walks up to me, hands behind his back and a big smile.

I hide his card behind my back.

'Hmm... I wonder. Is it, I dunno, you maybe?'

'Yep! Mum brought in some chocolate cake! She made it herself this year!'

'Your mum bakes now? What else can she still do? Knit, sow, crochet and some other magical ability I haven't heard of yet?'

'...Why do you know more about my mum than I do. That's kind of weird.'

We both burst into a fit of laughter as we giggle incessantly. It's something special between just us, no romantic feelings involved though, let's get that straight.

'Well, Mr Marcello, I have a card for you!'

I present the card proudly to him before he takes it with excited hands.

'Thanks Ava!

'No problem, now where's the cake?' I say, looking around eagerly as my friend laughs next to me. But, of course, all good things must come to an end.

'Well well, if it isn't Ava-cado and Cello. What are the freaks doing now?'

'Back off Julian. Go bother somebody your own size.'

'Oh please. What's that there? Why would you keep something so ugly' he says mockingly, pointing to Marcello's birthday card from me. I feel the anger boil and bubble but Marcello puts a hand before me, stopping me from going to punch Julian.

'Ava, you aren't worth his time. Let's go get some cak-' he doesn't get to finish his sentence. I am held by somebody, presumably one of Julian's lackeys. Where are the caretakers for god's sake?! I try to get out of their grasp but fail as I look over to my best friend.

My eyes widen in horror as I realise what he was interrupted by. His lip is bleeding and his cheek is bruising and I panic immediately.


'Don't dare what? Harm your little friend here? This is your fault for messing with me.'

'Just keep him out of this!'

'What if I don't? You know the caretakers can't be arsed. Nobody's gonna stop me.' he says as he puts an arm around Marcello, snickering a smug grin. I grit my teeth as I snarl at him.

'Hands off my friend. That or I'll snitch' I smile back at him with a eager grin. He knows what I mean by snitch. If I snitch, he'll get in trouble for not only is he in the wrong classroom, he's hurting another student.

The teachers couldnt give a damn but some google reviews could surprisingly damage their reputation badly. It's shocking nobody's just spammed bad reviews for this place yet.

His lackeys back off first and I manage to get a punch in before he staggers away, clutching his cheek running off. I turn immediately to Marcello.

'Marcello! Should we get an icepack, maybe a towel for that blood? Give me a secon-'

'Ava. Calm down, I'm alright. Deep breaths for me alright?'

Tears well in my eyes as I wrap him in an embrace. He's shocked initially but returns it wholeheartedly as we stay there for a couple of minutes. I hear the small cheers from the crowd that had gathered around the scene. How morbid for a bunch of kids.

I wonder if somebody will tell a 'teacher'. I bet that moron Julian will snitch like the conniving asshole he is. Probably will pin the blame on me somehow, twist the storystory. I honestly don't know how we came to this. Techno really shouldn't play his shows so loud though.

But seriously, what happened to Julian?

When he first arrived, he wasn't noticeable but he was sweet and listened to everybody. He was a little timid, sure, but he opened up. It started after the summer holidays; he chose other friends to play with and we drifted. Before I knew it, he was like another person. Total one eighty. Until I pissed him off and insulted his...

They certainly were not my proudest moments. He started bullying the newcomers. It started off with teasing, some shoving and the occasional insult which escalated from there. It became relentless and I wasn't about to put up with it. Marcello was right.

Again, as I've said. Total One Eighty.

I'm scared to go home. Scared to disappoint Techno. I know he wants the best for me, it's just frustrating trying to reign in my anger. The fact is, when Techno got mad, he never gets louder. He just doesn't. It's a melancholic, solemn quiet. I hate it.

[1248 words]

Just a small note, Ava is like ten to eleven? She acts very childishly when Techno is there xd. Also, the school system in this AU is really messed up? Like wtf, where are the teachers? This all happens in classrooms where they stay before classes start. also short chapter, rip. thought it'd be nice to have a little filler while i find my motivation. rip my writing qualityYyyy

proofreading this makes me realise ava is quite smart for her age. technoblade teaches well.

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