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In the end, I left him mostly be. I tucked a blanket over his body, found a pillow or two from the bed and placed them behind his back. I was strangely delicate in this process, moving everything so slowly that you'd think I was in slow motion. He just seemed so fragile, so weak and ever so vulnerable in his current state.

For better or for worse, I noticed so many strange things as I do so: his bed is guarded by railing, reminding me of a crib almost; again, there are minimal sharp corners and a small camera, resembling a baby monitor, in the corner of the room, accompanied by a microphone.

I remember that I had read something similar in a book, it's almost comedical how similar they are. I can vaguely put a name to it, though not remembering many of the details. If we had gone according to the book, the microphone and camera would be to check up on him just in case, the railings to keep him from falling out of his bed. The corners, well lack of, to make sure nothing happens if he so happens to fall.

I wonder where these misconceptions come from. Dream's mom (it feels too awkward to call her Emma or Clay's mom) says he doesn't have much time but, why? It's probably medical-related because of what the 'doctors' told her but is it some sort of disease, terminal illness or? I shouldn't really question it any further.

I wonder how frequently him falling out of bed would happen. It brings me a small smile as I think of Dream falling out of his bed who was and still is known to be 'perfect, handsome and generally just flawless'. Don't even mention the lovesick girls (and the occasional guy, handsome people attract all genders) who would literally dawdle around him aimlessly. At least my so-called 'fangirls' stayed at a comfortable distance. They could respect that boundary so I can respect them.

I tidied up small parts of his room for some reason: I closed the curtains, grabbed a few empty and used mugs to take to the kitchen and realign the rug in the room to where it should have been (hopefully).

Once I'm satisfied with this 'setup' of some kind, I left the room, shutting the door softly, finally letting him out of my sight. I took my path back down the corridor, almost a skip to my step as I do so. I was unusually energetic and feel happy? I don't know why the pride is there and it's strange but I welcomed the new change with open arms. Maybe I was getting tired of well, being tired.

I go into what I assume to be the kitchen, and place the mugs beside the sink. I don't want to be that kid who literally washes their plates when they 'visit' somebody. That's not cool and therefore, not in my list of should-do's. (At least Tyler didn't think so. He moved to England a year ago though.)

I'm not weird for having a social should-do list. I just need to abide by society's current expectations of me which means the monotone villain who fights Dream for 'interesting plot-line' or whatever nonsense people tell themselves these days.

I myself am fine with it but I did occasionally wonder if people realise that we were actual people and not some silly character in a fiction book. I wondered what would happen if it was. Would this 'story' even have a happy ending like the numerous books out there?

Too bad for them though, I won't react. They could continue imagining their weird stories as long as there's no shitty romance. I definitely got a severe... discomfort for those books to say the least, especially those weird ones in that corner of the library.

Blame Tommy for why I know that cursed corner exists.

Blame Tommy.

Anyway! I needed to be home, it is not the time for weird reminiscing when my sister needed me there. I couldn't leave her alone too long.

Ava. Maybe the reason why I'm still here. The feeling that somebody besides you, well, needed you. Even if it is technically because of legal reasons, I liked that feeling that I might be needed, necessary and maybe even important to somebody's life. It's addicting in some way and also stopped and prevented you from... nevermind.

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