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Sometimes I wondered if there's anyone like us.

Did their older siblings have lots of jobs, so much school stress and needed to worry about rent? Did they wonder if they can pay rent that month?

Did they thrive, under the loving support of parents, in high school and aspire more than to survive?

Sometimes I wondered if we were just the ones God gave bad luck to.

I still smiled brightly each time he brought a chocolate cake (my favourite) and we celebrated with his friends and Marcello. Tommy's always really rowdy and fun to be around, Wilbur was just as chaotic with a very sing-songy voice (he writes music Techno tells me, I haven't listened to it yet) and Phil reminded me of a dad. Wilbur and Tommy called him Dadza so I'm not very shocked but it's comforting. Tech was a wonderful brother, he's more than I ever ask for but sometimes, a parental figure was nice too.

We sang songs on birthdays, Tech smiled so much (except his own birthdays, he just gave small smile and watched us stir chaos into every little thing) and for just a few days a year, everything felt perfect. I forgot about all my worries, I forgot about stupid bullies who really just bully to conform (despite being children) and it felt like I've finally found the last jigsaw piece.

And then the day after, it was all swept away and returned to regularity. Techno went back to school and his jobs, I went back to school. I've always found school menial, honestly boring (not always because of the teachers, sometimes it was just the education system) and often times, (especially in history lessons) white-washed and biased.

They said the winners write history, and I guess they weren't not wrong. We don't hear about the amount of lives lost on the other sides, how many young people had signed up, been lied to and manipulated through propaganda

"Ava? That homework bugging you?" Tech's voice pierced through my daydreaming state and I looked him in the eyes. He wouldn't tell me but he's tired, his bags were darker than usual. The table rocked slightly to one side, one the leg's ends chipped off and we just fixed it by shoving it back on with super glue; we had lost a few pieces so it still swayed to one side if the pressure was applied strangely.

"Ave? Earth to you?"

"Oh, just this question. It's about surds and I forgot how to do it." Totally....

"Isn't surds Year 9 stuff? Wait." He stood up from his homework and came to stand next to me. (To answer his rhetorical question, maybe.)

"Oh it's just rationalising the denominator, just make this," he pointed with his pen," a fraction that equals itself. So in this case, it would be 2√3 over 2√3 and times it by the first one. You got that?"

"Yeah, thanks." I scribbled the answer to that, cancelling out some numbers and yay, surds.

What had I been thinking about? Huh.

I forgot.

I'm supposed to go to Marcie's house later 'cause Tech's going to his shift. God I want ice cream or something. Ice cream solves everything was the conclusion of this conversation.

"I'm going to head out in five, will you be alright walking from here to Marcello's? It's not far but-"

"I'll be fine I always am, aren't I?" I shrugged it off casually but he still looked at me with concern, upturned brows and slightly creased eyes.

"Seriously. My phone will be on and knowing Marce, he'll probably meet me halfway."

"Alright." He focused back onto his homework, scribbling away.

A slow sound of the pen scratching against the paper as ink is transferred and ink slowly depletes from its barrel, it was a pleasant sound to work in.

I could probably finish the English tomorrow since it's due Friday, and the maths was almost done anyway.

At some point, I finished and headed upstairs to pack a few things into my bag and at another point I guess, Techno left the house. I headed out after, locking the door.

The sun began to set and I couldn't help but admire the sunset, it's comforting orange and pinks hues against the cotton candy clouds. A single crow flied through the sky, the darting black briefly interrupting the calm slowness.

I walked happily, with the sunshine on my back and my eyes loitering around the place, admiring the houses I walked by daily. There was the house with the lavender-coloured door and magenta curtains, a nice lady with purple hair lived there. She liked purple very much.

There was Dr Anderson, with his big oak tree and stony eyes. He always looked so sad behind them, even his rectangle glasses couldn't hide that.

A new person had moved into the neighbourhood, the house with the black door. I hadn't seen him well but he had black hair and this depressing posture that reminded me of a 'C' despite being young (mid twenties maybe?)

And then my scenery changes, I'm pulled back and something's on my mouth and I thrash and trash because what on Earth can I do? I scream through this person's calloused skin, I try to bite them so maybe they'll let go.

"Stop it, ow!" Their voice is hushed as I tried to turn around and kick him in the shins or something. Adults turn out to be a lot stronger than pre-teens.

"Let go of me!" I bit, tasting a slight bit of blood in my mouth. Oh god this was actually happening.

Something blunt and cold (I hated the cold) hits me and it's dark.

Other kids would tell me they're afraid of the darkness but I know they're afraid of what's in the darkness. It conceals and it hides, the darkness offers no warm or light. Call me biased but in a society where we're only expected to sympathise with the 'heroes', I hated the dark.

It's so cold.

It becomes less dark, and then I'm thrown into something. Something loud crashes. Someone curses quietly.

The floor bobs up and down.

A single crow flied by, I can only pray it isn't a bad omen.

I text Ava, just to make sure she's alright. She doesn't reply.

I pray to whatever gods exist in the sky, please keep her ok.

[1077 words]

A bit of a short chapter but to compensate, fun fact, a single crow omens bad luck, catastrophe, death and misfortune. Anyway, rescue time o_o

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