Chapter 20

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Nathaniel Lachlan

As I furiously walked towards my house, I recalled my earlier conversation with the bodyguard I had assigned to keep Elizabeth safe in case Michael decides to do something stupid. The only reason I didn't tell her about this is that she can be a bit pedantic about this entire circumstance. Also, I didn't want to worry her about anything.

When I realized Elizabeth hadn't arrived at the office yet, I called her thrice, but she didn't answer which made me anxious. So thinking about the worst, I called the bodyguard to ask him about Elizabeth's whereabouts.

"Hey Jake, do you know where Elizabeth is? She is safe right?" I asked with concern evident in my voice.

"Yes boss, she is completely fine, but I don't think you are going to like hearing what happened." He says in a nervous voice.

"What happened?" I say, I could feel my shoulders getting tense.

Don't say, Michael.

Don't say, Michael.

"Michael showed up in the parking lot and talked to her for a bit."


"She looked noticeably upset when she left. Also, she did head towards the office first, but then she took a U-turn and went home." As Jake informed me I realized that Elizabeth has been acting odd since this morning.

Did she text or talk to Michael again? Even after I warned her not to. Michael is her kryptonite. He makes her overthink, insecure and all in all, feel bad about herself. Finally, she was getting over her insecurities and he shows up again to ruin everything.

All I wanted to do was take Elizabeth on our first date today disguised as a celebration for her first step toward becoming the head of marketing. But Michael ruins everything for her and for me.

As I stormed inside the house fuming with suppressed anger, I see Elizabeth pacing around in the living room nervously, as she typed away on her phone hurriedly.

"Hey?"I said calmly trying to keep a cool demeanor. But she didn't hear me as she continued to type on her phone.

"So I guess texting Michael is keeping you busy enough to blatantly ignore your husband, huh?" I spoke, enraged, which causes her to jump, she looked like a deer caught in headlights. Then her expression changes when she realizes what I accused her of.

"No, I'm texting Victoria." She says as she holds up her phone, "But wait, How do you know about Michael?" she asks me in a challenging manner. She crossed her arms over her chest as she waited for the answer she demanded.

"I assigned a bodyguard to look after you, he told me but that's not important here."

"Why not? Of course, it is. If he was there for my safety you could have just told me about it, but you didn't because you don't trust me. You sent him there to spy on me." She says in an accusatory tone.

Okay, she was furious.

"I am not going to apologize, for looking out for my wife's best interest."I try to reason with her but she wasn't having it.

"But you are going to apologize for not trusting me." She points out.

"You didn't return my calls, do you know how worried I was?" I ask her.

"I needed time to think. I had a lot on my plate." She explained but that only made me angry.

Michael, she was thinking about him. I could just erase him out of her life. I hate him more than anyone in this world. The fact that my woman may still be hung up on that pathetic excuse of a person made me furious. I had to cool down before I say something I'll end up regretting.

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