Chapter 26

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Elizabeth Paige

I was in the office. I didn't get any work or assignments done, I was too distracted. After avoiding Nathan's call last night, I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned all night.

I was cut out of the trance as my phone rang. He didn't call me in the morning, he was busy but he texted me saying that he would call me during lunchtime.

I picked up the call immediately, "Elizabeth! Are you okay? I just got a call from Lydia, saying you didn't go home last night, she was genuinely worried. You didn't even answer my phone last night." I could hear the concern in his voice.

How could I forget Lydia?

"Nathan, I am so sorry, I am fine. I am staying with Victoria at the moment. You know I've been feeling a bit under the weather and a little lonely. So for a few days, I think I am going to stay with her, I forgot to inform Lydia about it. I will surely call her today. After I went to her place, I fell asleep immediately. I am so sorry!" I say calmly so that he could relax.

"You don't need to apologize, just drop a message next time. Why don't you visit the doctor? You have been feeling sick since I left. You should take care of yourself, maybe I should just come home." He lectured me.

"No! Don't do that! I am not sick, just a little tired and nauseous. I will visit the doctor. Anyways you'll be here by the next two weeks. Don't worry, Aaron and Victoria are looking after me. Although Aaron keeps talking to me in a Scottish accent which he thinks is British and makes a lot of jokes about my name." I complain and I hear Nathan laugh at the other end.

God! I miss his laugh!

Okay Elizabeth, just tells him about Stephano now.

"So, how's work?" I ask instead.

Nice work, dumbass.

"It's so exciting. Grandpa keeps jokingly warning me not to screw anything up but I feel like he is serious. I told him, I am not going to let anything ruin this which hopefully satisfied him for now." Nathan rambles excitedly, but I couldn't say a word.

"Elizabeth? What happened? Did you go awfully silent? Did I say something wrong?" he asked in a worried tone.

"No, I think there is a network issue, I couldn't hear you. Nathan, I have to go, how about we talk tonight on a video call. Maybe we can have a little fun too." I say hopingly taking his mind off my weird behaviour.

"Yes! Can't wait! I have to go anyway, I have to attend a meeting. Bye babe, I lo- bye, I mean." He stammers before immediately disconnecting the call.

I stand up but I feel a bit dizzy as I so do. Oh god, I feel like I am going to blackout. Just then the door opens with a swing and the last person I want to see is standing in front of me.

Danika Williams

"Where is Landon? I know for a fact that he was supposed to be here. Why are you sitting on his desk?" She sneers at me but her expression changes when she looks at my state.

"Danika please just leave, I can't handle this today. Landon left an hour ago. I think he went to his mother's university for some reason. He didn't mention why. Now just leave, okay." I begged her to leave.

"Why are so pale? Are you sick? Elizabeth! Look at me!" She orders me but I felt too weak to look up or swat her hands as she helped me to the couch.

As I lay down on the couch I feel a little better. She takes off my scarf and unbuttons the first few buttons of my shirt before calling someone on her phone.

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