Chapter 11

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Elizabeth Paige

Just Married.

Never thought it would happen so fast. Now I was standing beside Nathan, sipping on my champagne as unknown people approached and congratulated us. I saw Aaron and Victoria approaching us. My heart swelled with happiness as I enveloped her in an unexpected hug.

"Wow! You look so beautiful Beth! Congratulations!" She said as she gave me a peck on my cheek and hugged me again.

It's been months since I last met her. I looked at Aaron and gave him a smile. He was a very handsome man but never talked a lot to anyone. He extended his hand and congratulated me.

Soon Nathan started talking to Aaron about business so I pulled Victoria aside and asked her something I've been curious about.

" Are you guys back together? I thought you were about to file divorce and marry Benjamin. He abandoned you!" I exclaimed furiously.

Victoria was in love with this guy ever since her childhood. He proposed marriage five years ago when her father died. But on the wedding night he told her that it was merely a business deal for him. It makes me furious when I remember all the days she spent crying in my arms. She is the sweetest and kindest woman I have ever met. No one deserves this.

" No, he kind of kidnapped me because I sent divorce papers to his office." She said as if she is telling me the weather. My eyes widened. She looked tired. I was about to ask her more questions but she cut me off.

"I'll tell you everything in detail but today is your special day, okay?"

We walked back to the place where Nathan and Aaron were talking. I glared at Aaron and he gave me a confused look.

Now it was time for the groom and bride's dance.

I nervously fidgeted with my fingers as I looked up at Nathan who flashed me a smile which melted my heart.

He offered me a hand which I took and we walked to the centre of the room.

Ed Sheeren's Perfect started playing as he took me in his arms. I moved along with him.

I always thought I will do this with Micheal. Suddenly I realized, his name or his memory doesn't hurt me anymore. I guess I am moving on but definitely not as fast as he did.

Soon, Nathan and I left but not before saying byes to everyone and people teasing me about my honeymoon which caused my face to heat up. That's when I remembered something and my eyes widened.

I was sitting next to Nathan in the car and I couldn't look at him. I completely forgot about the promise he made about the wedding night.

The car halted and before I could open the door, Nathan did it for me. Maybe nothing would happen. He'll be so tired that he will just go to sleep. I don't know why but that thought was kind of disappointing.

But all my thoughts were erased when Nathan suddenly picked me up in bridal style as if I weigh nothing and started heading towards our home. There was no one inside. Mrs. Wilson also had gone for a vacation as she knew we would soon head off for our honeymoon.

Sexual content ahead. Please skip if you don't like reading explicit stuff.

I heard Nathan mutter 'finally' as I could see his room from my peripheral vision. My heart rate increased. I couldn't believe this was happening. He tossed me unceremoniously on the bed and quickly removed his blazer and straddled me. I was staring at him, scared but excited.

Never ever felt such kind of excitement with Michael who is the only guy I've ever been with.

He cupped my hands and slammed them over my head. He bent his head down till my neck and started peppering hot kisses. I moaned out loudly.


His hands left mine and started travelling down my body. I started squirming like a virgin bride as his hands caressed the outlines of my breasts, stomach and my ass.

He got up for a brief moment to remove his shirt and I was in awe.

Damn it! This man is so sexy!

He unzipped my zip and started peeling it down my shoulder till my waist. I held my breath in anticipation.

Never in my life I would have ever thought I would be under The Nathaniel Lachlan.

He cursed silently as he took my form in. I squirmed a bit under his gaze.

"Fuck! You are so beautiful!I wanted to take this slow but I can't." He groaned loudly as his lips descended on mine again. He kissed me roughly with passion and lust. He squeezed my breast which made gasp and he quickly shoved his tongue in my mouth and started exploring it. I tried to match up with his pace but he was too darn good with it. He deepened the kiss when I felt my dress being bunched up to my waist and his hand massaging my inner thigh.

I tried to get up but he bit my neck and pushed me down again which me gasp inaudibly. He quickly unbuckled his belt and removed his pants. He captured my lips on a last kiss before he got up from the bed and left me panting and wanting more.

But he returned to the bed naked with condoms in his hand.

I thought he was going to help me out of my undergarments but to my surprise, he tore them away which made me gasp loudly.

"I am going to fuck you so good! You're mine now. All. Mine." He muttered as he rolled on a condom on his massive member.

He rested his hand near my head and quickly thrusted in. I cried out loudly. He was too big. I can't take this.

"Relax. Just relax." He looked like a man in pain as he moved inside me slowly. "I need to take you hard and fast."

As soon as I felt myself relaxing around him, and the pleasure replacing the pain. He increased his tempo and pounded inside me furiously. I let out a loud scream of pleasure as he took me.

Never in my life have I ever experienced so much pleasure.

My hands went around his shoulder and clung on to them as I took in his thrusts.

He let out an animalistic groan as he nailed me faster and more vigorously. My nails started scratching his back as I felt something building inside me. I felt tears rolling down my eyes as it was too much pleasure for me to handle.

I was a quivering and moaning mess. Soon I bursted and experience an earth shattering orgasm. I screamed out loudly as I came back from my high. Before I could react he turned me around and thrusted in again.

I can never match up with this man's stamina!

He held my hips as he rammed his member into me groaning loudly. I could feel that he was close as he continued pounding as he massaged my breasts. I felt pleasure building up in me as I clenched my teeth and grasped the sheets tightly as we came together.

He fell on top of me and groaned loudly near my throat.

Oh god! This man will be the death of me!


Hey Beautiful People,

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will update next in two days.

Please check out my second book in The Billionaire Brothers Series: Aaron Riverwood

Thank you so much for reading my book.


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