Chapter 27

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Elizabeth Paige

I am pregnant.

Yeah, who saw that coming? I thought sarcastically

Literally the only time we used protection was on our wedding night. I was hyperventilating the entire day. I went to Victoria's house again last night but I didn't tell her anything. I didn't even know if I want kids. I have worked my entire life for my career, I don't want to let go of that.

Oh my god! How is Nathan is going to handle this news? He is going to be so shocked. We just started dating, this is the last thing he would want. I don't want him to be with me only because of the baby. This would be so unfair to him.

I called Nathan, telling him that I went to the doctor, and I am down with a bit of a fever, but it's nothing serious. Also, I told him that I felt better after taking the prescribed medicines.

I felt awful that I was lying to him but this is not some news I could just tell him over call, right? I had to wait for him to come home. Then maybe we could have a calm, collected discussion about my pregnancy and obviously Stephano.

When I said goodnight within the first fifteen I knew that he was suspicious but thankfully he didn't question me. I don't want to do anything to spoil the merger we actually got married for.

The next day as I was working with Landon again, who needed help with all the files around him. He was absolutely clueless about where things were, as he had never worked in Nathan's office before this. We actually became pretty good friends in just a few weeks. So as we sat on floor in the small storage area in Nathan's office where he asked me to search for a file named Paul Scotts.

"So Landon why did you go to the university the other day? To meet a woman?" I teased him to which he looked surprised.

"Actually yes, but it's not a romantic thing, I want to help her win a case against my stepbrother who beat up one of his coworkers under the influence of alcohol. That coworker was in fact, one of her first students. I told her I'd do it free of cost but she still isn't sure." He told me in an exasperated tone. Landon's stepbrother was a very abusive person, he battered Landon for as long as he can remember.

I always had a special place in my heart for Landon, he was like a brother to me. My heart ached at the thought of the way he was beaten up for 'fun' by his brother.

"Maybe you should tell her why this case is important to you, she sounds like a good woman, she would probably understand." Landon nods his head at my advice, "Soooo, is she like pretty?" I ask excitedly, already shipping them.

"Very but also a giant pain in the ass. So, no thank you." He says as he shakes his head.

Our conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. I ask Landon to continue his work as I walk out of the small storage room in Nathan's office to see Stephano.

Who the fuck allows this creep to just walk in here like this?

It probably because of the merger but still I need to have a serious talk with Molly. I knew what I had to do. I quickly switched on my phone's recording. I needed proof because apart from Nathan, not many people would believe me.

Stephano made everyone think he was the nicest and sweetest guy, they could ever meet. He was not capable of doing such things.

Hell, even I thought so.

"Get out, Stephano" I say sternly to show him I was in no mood to joke around.

"Relax princess, did you think about that offer? Do I get to fuck you or should I pull the plug on this entire merger? Come on, it's just one night. I just want to touch and kiss each and every inch of your body. Don't make me force myself on you." I shudder as the words fall of his mouth. He tries to tuck my hair behind my ear but I quickly swat his hands away. But at the same time I felt sorry for him, knowing what's going to happen next.

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