Chapter 23

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Elizabeth Paige

Today, I attended my first few lectures, but I couldn't sit through the entire class. So I just decided to go to work early. I, anyways didn't get to see Nathan today as he had a board meeting with some Japanese investors so he had to leave really early.

I decided to wear something Nathan would like as he has been working really hard these past couple of days. Seeing a black bodycon dress at the back of my closet, I remembered Victoria gifting it to me on my birthday but I never wore it. I looked at myself in the mirror, it looked good as it hugged all of my curves but was also office appropriate.

I got a lot of compliments in class and Eric still continued flirting with me even after he met Nathan but now it was completely harmless. I was getting a lot of mood swings, when I told Eric that I was feeling down, he asked me to 'suck it up' like a jerk.

I had the urge to break his legs and say 'walk it off'.

So I decided to just skip my class and go to my office. As soon as I reached, I walked fast towards the elevator so that I don't have to interact with a lot of people.

What's wrong with me? I am not always this giant pain in the ass.

As the elevator dinged and opened on the fifteenth floor, I saw Mrs Watson, I smiled at her and she returned the smile. I headed towards Nathan's office when I saw a young, beautiful, red-haired woman sitting in my desk. Almost too young, around twenty-one or twenty-three, I think.

I should ask Nathan about her.

I walk past her to his office but she stops me.

"Ma'am, do you have an appointment with Mr.Lachlan?" She asked curtly, almost rudely.

Oh, guardian angel, please just let me meet Nathan, I am in no mood to argue with someone today.

This is perhaps my second guardian angel, considering that my first one quit and is probably in therapy now.

"And you are?" I ask in the exact tone she used, almost mocking her.

"I take care of Mr. Lachlan's needs, all of them. He can be very demanding. Also, I am the daughter of Mr. Lachlan's business partner." She said in a sultry voice which annoyed me as the way she said it, it sounded dirty and like she was implying something else.

"Well, I don't need an appointment to meet Nathan so, chop chop, out of my way," I reply which takes her aback, she probably didn't expect me to use his first name. Everyone called him Mr. Lachlan as it kept things professional.

"I can't let you in, I am sorry Miss-" I cut her off," Mrs. Lachlan."

As soon as I said that her eyes widened. Before she could say anything, the door opened and Nathan walked out.

"Hey, you are here early? That's a nice surprise." He says as he puts his arm around me but was pleasantly surprised when I pecked his lips.

"I was actually going to surprise you but this nice lady over here wouldn't let me in," I said sarcastically.

"Oh right, she is not familiar with you I guess, we hired her as an intern, she is filling in for you for some time." He said as he looked at me and then introduced her to me, "This is Elizabeth, she is my wife, don't stop her ever again and Elizabeth this is..."I could see him thinking but he probably couldn't remember her name.

"My name is Molly Jones, Mr Lachlan." She said looking genuinely upset as she batted her eyelashes at him and gave him a 'cute' pout.

"Let's go inside, we can have lunch together today." He said completely ignoring her as we walked away.

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