Chapter 25

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Elizabeth Paige

Even though it's been just two weeks without Nathan, it felt like years. Each and every day was so awfully long that I wanted to kill myself. I miss him so much in ways that I can't even say. I wish he was with me right now, I wish I could put my arms around him and touch him. I even cried a few times for some reason. I think I've been PMSing a lot lately, I should probably get my periods soon.

We talk on a video call every day for hours before going off to sleep. He also calls me every morning but we only talk for a few minutes as he has extremely busy mornings. He is so excited about all of the things that are happening around him that I could literally hear it in his voice.

He keeps telling me that there is something very important he has to tell me but he wants to say it in person.

He told me that Landon might visit the office once or twice a week so that someone could manage his other projects while he's away. Landon came in once and was very quiet but he did invite me to lunch where we talked a bit about high school and I finally thanked him for saving me from that embarrassing situation. He expressed his annoyance towards Molly who flirted with him shamelessly and how he was planning to fire her, to which I agreed.

I do not like her for some reason.

Oh right! She flirts a lot with my husband.

After a tiresome day at work, I realized it was almost six so I hurriedly packed my bag and was ready to leave. As I stepped out of my office, I saw Stephano standing and checking his phone.

I was scared because there was almost no one in the office and after his daring act of almost kissing me, I don't trust him anywhere.

Who allowed him in anyways?

"Hi Elizabeth, fancy seeing you here!" He jokingly exclaimed and tried to hug me but I moved away quickly.

I don't want him to touch me,"I work here Stephano, what the hell are you doing here?" I taunted, I know I was being rude, but I have a feeling he is not here to ask me about my well-being. He very well knows Nathan is not here so clearly he is here to meet me.

"Wow, you've changed Elizabeth, I guess money does change a person. Never thought you'd be a gold digger." He retorted which made me angry but I ignored his jibe.

"You didn't answer my question, Stephano. What the hell are you doing here?" I raged, noticing how he was stepping closer, towards me. I felt nauseated but I didn't take a step back as I didn't want him to trap me between him and a wall.

"Come on, you don't feel this attraction between us?" he whispered and I shook my head.

"NO absolutely not! Now get out of my way before I knee yo-" I shouted but he cut me off.

"I was the one who noticed you first when I asked him about your relationship with him, he said he doesn't get involved with women he works with. So I made my move but you shot me down. For him, you just opened your legs like a common whore, didn't you? He stole you from me." He yelled at me in fury.

"I don't belong to anyone, I am not owned by anyone. If I give you my time that's a privilege, not an obligation." I stated in anger but I felt like that just went right over his head.

"What's the fucking difference between Nathan and me? Huh? I also have money, I can buy you stuff too if you let me use your body."

"The difference is if I had said no even once he would have completely backed off like a gentleman but you just sound like a male chauvinist creep!" I sneered which made him angry as he tried to grab me but I swatted his hands away.

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