Chapter 16

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Elizabeth Paige

Yesterday went really well, the breakfast, shopping and Nathan talked a lot surprisingly. Even when we reached our suite, we fell asleep talking about our high school stories and listened to 1960s music which we both loved. I was at peace, I've never been so happy in my life.

Today was going to be a hectic day as I was supposed to attend my first charity event as Nathaniel Lachlan's wife. I had to meet Mr. Luigi, his wife and son. They were hosting the entire event. I have met them very briefly once. They were good people but I had to charm them so that they'd be in Nathan's favour.

I had bought a beautiful dress with a long slit, just for this occasion, I hope everyone likes it. Surprisingly, it looked very good on my body type. The woman who was helping me with the gowns was very sweet and helpful.

Nathan had to work the entire afternoon so I decided to go to the salon, get my hair and makeup done. Once I was done I roamed around the beautiful hotel when I happened to meet Stephano Luigi, Mr. Luigi's son. He was with a few colleagues, but as soon as he saw me, he excused himself and approached me.

"Hello Mr.Luigi, how are you? What brings you here?" I asked I shook hands with him. He was a very cute and respectful guy. He asked me out once but immediately backed off once I told him I was dating Michael.

"Please Elizabeth, don't embarrass me, call me Stephano, Mr.Luigi is my dad." He said jokingly as I chuckled." And to answer your question I am actually planning on buying this hotel so just had a meeting with the owner. You look great by the way. I heard you got married to Nathan."

"Yeah, I was a bit heartbroken when my ex broke up with me, Nathan was there for me and I guess that's how it happened." I didn't want to lie so I just twisted the truth a bit. I also felt bad because I promised Stephano I'd go out with him at least once if I was ever single.

"Well, I guess I missed my chance, anyways I hope to see you at the event tonight, right?" He asked me but I just nodded. I literally had no clue what to say to the first part of his sentence. To make things more awkward he leaned ahead and placed a kiss on my cheek which was dangerously near my lips before leaving.

That was definitely weird.

I shook my head so that I could get this memory out of my head as I walked to my suite to get ready. I wore my dress and I felt like a Disney princess. I twirled around a bit in it before stepping out just to see how handsome Nathan looked in his suit.

This man can literally pull off anything.

He looks at me and breaths out of his mouth. He opens his mouth to say something but closes it again as his eyes travel down my body,"Elizabeth, I really want to say something, but I feel like if I say my thoughts out loud, you'll turn red. Even though there is something I would much rather be doing right now, we have to leave."

As he says those words, I feel my cheeks getting warm as I blushed.

Damn you, Nathaniel Lachlan!

As we arrived at the venue, I realized I am going to meet Stephano again, I should tell Nathan about it. So he's not caught off guard if Stephano tries to do something awkward again. We entered the hall and it was breathtaking, everything was so lavish and beautiful.

"Elizabeth! The Luigiss are there. Let's go talk to them. Don't be nervous, they'll love you."He says as he places his hand on the small of my back to lead the way. I stop his action by putting my hand over his firm chest.

"I need to tell you something, Stephano asked me out six months ago, when I was with Michael and I sort of promised him that I'll go out with him if I am ever single. But I married you so he seemed pretty upset about the fact." I explained the entire situation to him. His jaw clenched but he quickly changed his expression.

"How do you know that he is upset?" He asked as he looked at me with genuine confusion.

"Well, I met him near the reception at our hotel, he had a meeting there. We randomly bumped into each other. He wasn't weird about it but he did kiss my cheek before he said goodbye. Thats it! Come on, it is not that big of a deal."

I try to make him understand as his face looked very blank at that moment. That was a thing about Nathan, if he didn't have an expression on his face, he is either annoyed or angry.

"You don't understand, the only reason this makes me mad is because I know men and I know exactly what he is trying to do. He is trying to get into your head. He wants you." Nathan says as his hand on my back slides around waist and pulls me closer to his chest.

"Don't you think you are overreacting? It probably didnt mean anything" I whisper as I am standing too close to him now.

"Oh please, I did the same thing with you, I got into your head, only because I wanted you. Only because I was interested, why else would I do that? Anyways its good that you told me."

As those words fell out of his mouth, my heart skipped a beat. I don't know why but it just made me happy that maybe a small part of him wants me too?

Here we go again, with his mixed signals and my overthinking.

I have always wondered what he thought when he looked at me.

Before we knew it, the Luigis approached us instead.

"Nathan, aren't you going to introduce us to this pretty lady over here?" Mr. Luigi said in a friendly tone as he shook hands with Nathan and then me.

"My wife is feeling a little under the weather, that's why she couldn't come. But my son, Stephano is here, you guys have probably met before." As they shook hands I could see Stephano's face go pale.

Oh god!

Nathan was squeezing his hand too hard. Stephano was a strong guy but in front of Nathan, he wouldn't stand a chance.

Nathan smiled a bit, letting go of his hand, and started talking to a completely oblivious Mr. Luigi about their up and coming business merger. Nathan pulled me closer to him by my waist which made me blush as I nodded in acknowledgement at Stephano.

"So Nathan, I'd love to hear your story? How did you two lovebirds meet?"

I smiled uncomfortably at Mr. Luigi before looking at Nathan, we hadn't really prepared a story.

"We went to the same school actually. She was a very quiet but intelligent. Didn't really talk to other people but she intrigued me. I left school soon to join the military for a few years but she didn't leave my mind. And as fate would have had it, one day she was sitting outside my office as my new assistant. I knew I was not letting her go this time." He said and quickly pecked my lips. I smiled as my heart kept beating fast.

Mr. Luigi patted Nathan on his back as he smiled happily. Not only did he buy the story but also was mighty impressed by it.

After a lot of interactions and introductions with people, I needed a well deserved break so I excused myself from a group of sweet elderly ladies who were gushing over my ring.

I looked around for Nathan but I didn't see him so I headed off to the balcony for some fresh air. As I stood there, I felt patterns being drawn on my back, I instantly knew it was Nathan. I smiled as I turned around and looked at him. He was bored too, I knew that.

Nathan hated socializing of all kinds but sadly its part and parcel of his business. He extended his hand towards me and I took it. I heard the faint music of Beatles popular song 'Something' being played.

"Lets dance." He said as he pulled me towards him causing my body to flush against his. I gasped unexpectedly.

"Here?", I asked as we moved along the sound of the beautiful song. He nodded before as I rested my head on his chest. We didn't say a word to each other that night. We just cuddled and danced.

Sometimes, you just have to stay silent, because no words can explain whats going on in your mind or your heart.


Hello All You Beautiful People,

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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