A Year Later

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Elizabeth Paige

I smile seeing Nathan carrying baby Ethan around as the entire family and all my friends had come over to meet him. Joseph and Mary's happiness had no limits, he was after all their first grandchild. I don't think I've ever been so happy in my life ever.

I can't believe what a plot twist Nathan was.

I remember the first time I saw him in high school, in the corridor, never had I imagined that it would lead to this.

"Hey Elizabeth!" I turn around to see Danika smiling, I hugged her with happiness.

Yes, after I forgave her, we actually got along and became friends.

"I thought you said you were flying to Paris for a shoot?" I asked as I was pleasantly surprised.

"Yeah but I thought I should meet you once as from tomorrow you are going to be pretty busy, right? And I really wanted to meet baby Ethan, he so damn cute!" She exclaimed with a big grin on her face to which I smiled as I nodded at her.

"Yeah, I am kind of nervous to go back to work but still excited as well. I am actually happy that Nathan is going work from home for a few months to look after Ethan as I just don't think I would be comfortable leaving my 3 months old baby with a babysitter." I ramble and she just giggles at my reaction.

"Elizabeth, you have a big day tomorrow, maybe you should head upstairs and rest a bit, everyone will be here for hours! You can definitely sneak in a nap." She suggests as she rubs my back.

Yes, it's exhausting being a new mother, I was clearly a bit weary, and so I take up Danika's suggestion and go to my room to rest.

I was actually also happy because Nathan and Mr. Luigi's merger was not affected by Stephano. Mr. Luigi came up to me personally and apologized for his son's behaviour and looked very ashamed. I felt bad for him as he has always been a good person to me but his son was one motherfucker. He also asked me if I am comfortable with Nathan continuing the merger with him.

After I enter the room, I hear a click behind me. I turn around to see Nathan leaning against the door, looking at me intently.

"Mrs. Lachlan, you look ravishing in that dress." I blush as I look down at my short white dress. After the baby, this is kind of the first time I dressed up well. But Nathan, at no point made me feel unattractive. Whenever I wouldn't stop complaining about looking fat or gross, he would just take me to the bed, ravish and worship me till I saw stars.

"Thank you Mr. Lachlan. Now I am going to go out." I say shyly as I try to escape the situation but he blocks my way.

"It's cute, that you think that I would just let you walk away when you look so damn good." He whispers in my ear before biting on it slowly. Before I could respond, he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.

As my back hits the door, I gasp loudly when I hear a commotion outside of a few people approaching our bedroom. I quickly push Nathan and straighten up my dress before opening the door.

"Baby Ethan is crying, I think he is hungry." Victoria cooed a crying Ethan while bouncing him in her arms, I heard Nathan groan behind me at the interruption making me laugh.

"Aww, come here sweetie, you must be so hungry, Nathan get out. I am going to sit with the girls in the room while I breastfeed." I seriously ordered Nathan to which he makes a face, grumbles a little before leaning over and kissing Ethan's forehead.

"I like your dominating side, Elizabeth. Let's see if it's still there after I fuck it out of you." My eyes widened as he whispered in my ear before walking out of the room.

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