Chapter 28

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Hey Beautiful People,

Please read the author's note, I actually have an announcement at the end. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter!!

Elizabeth Paige

As soon as those words fell out of my mouth, Nathan claimed my lips again as he carried me to the bedroom. I was so lost in his sinfully masculine scent and his lips attacking mine roughly, which I missed for so long, too long.

He gently laid me down on the bed before devouring my mouth again like a beast. I realized how muscularly massive his biceps were as I tried to push him away, but he just grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head.

Elizabeth, tell him now!

"Oh my god!" I moaned as I felt his teeth bite my neck roughly as one of his hands caressed my breast. He continued to suck on my neck, marking me coarsely as his hands slithered down to my mound. I felt electrifying tremors running through my entire body as he rubbed his fingers on my sex through my dress making me mewl like a possessed nymph.

Damn you, pregnancy hormones.

I need to tell Nathan calmly and properly about my pregnancy and other things as well.

I can't just spring it on him out of nowhere.

I gasp as I feel him go down. I try to pull him back up unsuccessfully as he opens my legs wide while he caressing my thighs. I want to stop him but my body won't let me.

Finally, after almost a month!

I shriek as I feel his breath against my clit. My hips moved desperately, wanting to be touched and licked, but he was teasing me.

Damn you, Nathaniel Lachlan!

A loud cry erupts from my throat as his tongue flickers, rubs and fiddles my warm throbbing nub. I pant and move my hips along his mouth as his punishing tongue delves into the cradle of my wetness.

My body gave up, making my head fell back on the bed as I felt unbelievable pleasure run through my nerves. I felt him continuously and tortuously flicking my nub. I screamed, fisting and clinging to the bedsheets, begging for a release. As I felt something build up in my stomach I tried to close my legs but that only made him go in deeper, making me shudder and quiver at the feeling.

I pleaded almost screaming at him loudly, as I pulled his hair to stop him because it was too much to handle, but he didn't like that as I heard him grunt loudly, before eating me out like a crazed, starved man.

I arched my back hard, my eyes rolled back to my brain as an earth-shattering orgasm ripped through my body, making my toes curl and my body shake wildly.

"I am pregnant!"

Please give Elizabeth a standing ovation for springing up such a major news on Nathan at the most appropriate time ever.

Give her an award for the queen of appropriate times.

My brain mocked me, sarcastically.

I couldn't even say shut up to it because I agree.

I wanted to bitchslap myself.

I looked down at Nathan who had a shocked expression plastered to his face and it felt like he couldn't move even if he wanted to.

"Okay I am hungry, so how about we have some food and we can talk about the little thing I just said then." I said as I quickly ran to the bathroom but Nathan still was too stunned to move.

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