Chapter 21

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Hello Beautiful People,

Many readers requested a longer sex scene, so here it is. Please skip Nathan's pov, if you are uncomfortable with sexual content. Hope you guys enjoy it!!!

Nathan Lachlan

"You look so hot when you're mad," I whispered against the cloth covering her chest and I felt her breath get ragged as the words left my mouth. I loved how I could affect her in such ways, it's almost flattering.

"Let's get rid of this." I ripped her shirt off catching her completely off guard but the way she was biting her lip I knew she liked it.

My mouth began its assault on the exposed skin of her chest except for the area covered by her bra. I sucked harshly making sure I marked her and made sure she knew it. I stopped once I knew it was going to leave a mark. I looked at her, her eyes wide with her beautiful dilated pupils, her lips slightly parted, her cheeks flushed crimson and her breath uneven.

"You're mine, do you understand Mrs Lachlan?", I whispered hoarsely against her ear, my lips brushing against her skin ever so lightly.

She moaned a little and rubbed her core against mine, making both of us groan at the friction. I leaned down and kissed her everywhere around her mouth except those sinful lips. I wanted her to know frustrated I was when she didn't do as told.

"Do that one more time and you'll have to face consequences", I mumbled against her lips making her breath hitch.

One of my hands which were holding her arms above her head found its way to her breast and squeezed it harshly, while my other hand was big enough to hold her arms in place.

"Are we clear, Elizabeth?" I spoke sternly as I continued to torture and tease her breasts.

She simply nodded and bit her lip in anticipation of what was to come next.

My hands left hers momentarily as I took my shirt off but this woman was nasty, she made sure I couldn't regain my grip on her hands and pulled me down in a passionate kiss which totally surprised me.

Her fingers found their way to my hair and tugged on them harshly making me groan against those chaste lips of hers.

"You may be my boss at work Mr. Lachlan but I'm the boss at home," she spoke as she bit my bottom lip.

Wow! Anger does bring out the best in her.

My hands found their way to her back and swiftly took off her bra and made my way to her pants but it seemed like almost involuntarily she ground against my crotch making me hiss.

I looked at her and her eyes were wide as she realized what she had done. I quickly unbuttoned her pants and taunted, "Someone's being feisty." Before she could say anything in her defense, I swiftly turned her around so she lay flat on her stomach.

I pulled down her pants and almost drooled at the sight of her naked body.

My hands found their way to her ass and squeezed them. "Like I said Elizabeth, there will be consequences" I said before spanking her.

She hissed at the sting but I could tell she liked it by the way her back arched.

"On all fours" I ordered as I got rid of my pants which were getting more torturous by the second. I was always so caring and protective over her but this Michael is driving me crazy, I couldn't stand the fact that he's touched her, made her feel good and she returned the favour back to him. I was fuming.

I rammed into her causing her to scream at the intensity and also by how unexpected it was. I waited for her a moment before drilling right into her, into her deepest parts. My fingers found their way to her hair and tugged them making her moan.

"Tell me Elizabeth did Michael treat you this well? Did he make you feel this good?" My voice came out ragged from the pleasure running through my veins.

She shook her head making me go deeper, her validation felt so good.

I pulled out making her cry out in disappointment. Her reaction made me smirk and warmed my heart both at the same time.

I turned her around so she was laying on her back. I rested my forehead against hers and began to thrust into her yet again making her roll her eyes.

I loved how she made me feel and I loved it even more when she loved it too.

Her hands found their way on my back and dug her nails. Well, maybe I wasn't the only one who wanted to leave a mark. Her touch only heightened the pleasure and brought us closer to the edge.

"Nathan, I'm so fucking close," she screamed making me curse under her breath as her voice drove me crazy.

Our pace quickened and we both collapsed after we hit our highs. I was almost going fall on her as my hands were about to give away from the intensity of the orgasm I had.

We tried to catch our breath as we lay there in comfortable silence.

I sat up and leaned against the nearby wall while I pulled her onto my lap.

"It was so good, I swear to god I burned so many calories who cares about working out, we should do this more often" she froze as she realized what she said and I let out a hearty laugh. This woman never fails to intrigue me. She hid her face in the crook of my neck as she tried to cover her embarrassment.

"Well, for that we would have to be mad at each other more," I said waiting for her smart-ass reply.

She began to nibble on my neck making me a mess under her touch. I groaned and grabbed her ass to ask her to not stop but to my utter disappointment and shock she stood up and ran towards the washroom and just before shutting the door she peeked her head out and said,"Now we're even Mr Lachlan" and shut the door smiling, leaving me with my mouth agape.

Elizabeth Paige

I put my hands on the counter of the bathroom and tried to breathe, I looked in the mirror and saw that my face was completely flushed and pink. That was intense and totally unpredictable. When I reached home and thought about what this discussion would lead to, this was the last thing on my mind. This time the sex was different, it was angry and raw, I've never seen Nathan like this before. The way he spoke and warned me about Michael made me realize that he was jealous. And a jealous Nathan was an animal, a beast! It was all so exhilarating and almost electrifying.

Then I remembered, he said he liked me.

I can't digest this fact, The Nathaniel Lachlan, liked me back.

I wanted to do a dance and beat myself up with a bat at the same time.

I had forgotten all the things that Michael said and made me feel, Nathan made me forget all my problems. I think I should give this a chance, we should have an actual relationship, let's see where this goes, I know that as long as there is the tiniest chance, the wildest chance, I can't give up on this.


Hello All You Beautiful People,

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Follow me on Instagram, the handle in visible on my account.

Also would like to thank Ita_it_is for all her help.


Thank you guys!!!

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