Chapter 15

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Elizabeth Paige

I woke up in Nathan's arms. God, this is what heaven feels like I guess. I felt so warm and protected in this cold air conditioned room.

I wiggled so I could get out of his arms. He groaned a bit but continued sleeping. He looked like an angel.

So damn beautiful and relaxed.

I quickly brushed my teeth and hoped in the shower. As I turned on the shower I loved the feeling of warm water on my body. My body became tensed as I heard the bathroom door open and then I heard the tap open. Maybe he is just going to brush his teeth and wash his face then head down to the breakfast buffet.

We all know how much this man loves to eat.

But suddenly, he opened the shower curtain, I gasped loudly and tried to cover myself as he took off his clothes and just walked in.



This is literally the second time I am seeing him naked.

No matter how much I try to believe the fact that I am his wife and he touches me, I don't think I'll ever get over this feeling.

He is too damn good. The kind of good that ruined everyone for me.

He stood so close to me that I had to crane my neck to look up. That's when I realized how truly big his stature is. How wide his shoulders are. This man could crush me without putting in any effort.

My breathing altered as he held my shoulders in place and backed me up against the wall.

Before I could say something, he covered my mouth with his and kissed me.


He bit and sucked like there was no tomorrow, I stifled a moan as I felt his hand near my mound.

"Wait, Please Nathan, listen to me." I pleaded as my words came out ragged.

He lifted his head up and looked at me with so much intensity as I saw his pupils dilate,"Yeah babe, speak, I am listening. I can multitask." He said which confused me.

What does he mean by multit-

His lips attacked my neck as I felt his finger inside.

Oh my fucking god.

He left a trail of hickeys down my neck to my breasts as I felt his finger delve in my folds. I moaned loudly as I held on to his back for support. If I let go, I know my legs would give up.

This amount of pleasure has turned my legs into wobbly overcooked spaghetti. I felt a pit form in my stomach as I started scratching his back when he added another finger and his mouth moved to my sensitive nipples.

I screamed as he went faster and deeper. I wanted to cry, this was way too much my fragile body can handle. I pulled on his hair so he'd stop the pleasurable assault on my nipples. As I pulled his hair back, he looked deep into my eyes and rested his forehead against mine.

He wanted to watch me. It was like a game to him. He loved to see my face as I was completely under his mercy which for some reason excited me as well.

Pleasure rippled through me as I felt his finger press my clitoris and rotate it roughly. I screamed as I scratched his back and begged for a release. It was just too much pleasure, my eyes rolled as I was about to hit ecstasy.

But suddenly it all stopped.

No. No. No. No. Just. Fucking. No.

"Aww sweetheart, did you forget my little challenge?" He said as he went back to shower and ran the soap along his biceps.

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