Chapter 3

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Nathaniel Lachlan

There was a knock on my door. I knew it was Elizabeth. I buzzed her in. She looked like she cried all night. She was dressed in her usual attire and her hair tightly tied in a bun. I offered her a smile as she came in and sat down in front of me.

"How did it go? "I couldn't control my curiosity anymore. She looked up at me with a sad face.

"He broke up with me last night, so I left his apartment. I am currently staying at Emily Warner's place." She said while sobbing a bit. I felt bad, but she had to see the reality someday.

"I am sorry but you deserve much better. I am not perfect at consoling but I say what I mean." "Forget these things now. Let's just discuss the arrangement." she stated as she wiped her tears and sat straight.

"1. We will get married in a week exactly.

2. Then we will go on a small honeymoon just to show the media it is not a facade.

3. You will continue this job but you'll work for fewer hours.

4. You will start with your masters when we come back from our honeymoon.

5. After you complete your masters you can quit this job And I will hire you as the head of the advertisement department.

6. This marriage will come to an end with mutual agreement. Do you have any questions?"

After reading out the terms, I asked her raising an eyebrow.

"Y-Yeah. Will we- I mean- you know- umm like sleep together?" She blushed while asking. Seeing her reaction my hormones couldn't contain themselves.

"Of course. I am a very loyal person and I expect the same from you. I have my needs and I need them to be fulfilled. But don't worry I'll give you time to get used to my presence. If you ever feel uncomfortable when I do something, ask me to stop and I will back off." I said and I saw her eyes widen. She definitely didn't expect this from me.

"Can't you like sleep with some mistress because I am not exactly good at these things." She said while looking beyond flustered.

"What do you mean?" I looked at her intently, but she avoided my gaze and looked down. "Michael always told me that I am not good and that I don't do experiments. That was the reason he broke up with me yesterday." She said, still not looking at me.

Anger boiled in me. That bloody Michael, I am going to fire his sorry ass! But I am not going to let go of this golden opportunity come what may.

"I seriously don't care Elizabeth. I want you on my bed for as long as the agreement lasts." I stated and gave her a stern look so that she knew there was no room for argument left. She looked like a tomato by now. Elizabeth was flustered and was trying to say something.

She cleared her throat and spoke up,"Okay but you are not allowed to cry because I already warned you."

"Trust me Sweetheart, I won't be the one crying." I saw her jaw literally dropped to the ground. She is so innocent. She quickly signed the documents. I gave her the day off because she really needed it, to register everything. I always liked her as a person.

She was very kind and caring. I knew that since high school. I never felt anything for her. Even after she became my assistant I saw her as a friend. The only thing I didn't understand was how she never even tried to make a move or anything even near that.

I was aware she had a boyfriend but everyone knew Michael Hawthorne was an asshole. She didn't. But yesterday, everything changed. As soon as she said my name I knew I had to have her, beneath me, moaning and begging. I wanted to bury myself inside her. I noticed whenever I was close, her breathing would alter, and she will be at a loss of words.

The fact that I lusted after her so much were unknown to me. I never craved for women as much as I crave this one. Knowing that I can't satisfy myself only by having her for a night. I guess I always wanted her but I just realized it now. There had to be a reason why I was so protective over her in high school.

Also, I will get my business deal and will make my grandfather proud. I don't have to worry about grandpa either because he chose Elizabeth. He always told me she was special, and he liked her for me a lot. I never paid heed but now I finally I see what he was talking about.

Elizabeth Paige

Yesterday as I arrived at the apartment I realized my bags and everything was packed and kept out. I knew what was happening but I decided to confront him once.

I rang the bell and a beautiful blonde woman half naked opened the door. " Oh sweetie, your ex-girlfriend is here. Don't worry I'll send her off." She looked inside and spoke." You listen to me and listen good. Your ex has been promoted so that means good things are happening. So he is dropping all the bad things. Now take your bags and get going. By the way, He said if you want to know why he is doing this it's simply because you are no good, even in bed." She said sneakily and slammed the door on my face.

I crashed at Emily's place. She was so angry that she almost ran out of the door with a butter knife in her hand. After explaining the entire situation, she went crazy. Literally.

"Wait! You are telling me that you are about to become Mrs. Nathaniel Lachlan!!! Oh. My. God." She said while jumping on her bed excitedly. I don't even know where Emily gets her energy from, for me getting up from a place I've been sitting on is a huge task on its own.

"Yes, I am about to marry him. We need to discuss some terms though. Anyways you can't tell anyone about this. It was only supposed to remain between Mr. Lachlan and I but I guess you are an exception" I said calmly as I wanted to calm her down but obviously Emily and the word 'calm' can never come in the same sentence.

"Oh god! I am so excited I can barely contain it." She said still jumping on her bed. Yup, as if that's something new. I swear to god I know she is going bang her head somewhere like last time. After half an hour of more jumping around she finally settled down and fell asleep with her mouth wide open like a baby. Of course! She is exhausted. I spent all night crying over my stupid ex, thinking about the agreement and thinking about NATHANIEL LACHLAN.


Hello All You Beautiful People,

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Please check out my second book in The Billionaire Brothers Series: Aaron Riverwood

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