Chapter 14

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Elizabeth Paige

A gentle shake woke me up. I looked up and it was Nathan touching my arm, mumbling something about the landing. I guess I had fallen asleep on the bed after the...ahem...little incident that happened.

As I remembered the incident, blood rushed to my cheeks. I thought it was a dream but it shattered as I remembered Danika's exact words.

Not attractive enough.

Nathan looked a bit worried so I shot him a fake smile. He smirked a bit before telling me that we were in Paris now, then he took his phone out and I guess he was checking his messages.

"Elizabeth, I just got a text from my grandpa, he is in Paris. He is asking me if we can meet him. But we have to do it right now because he has a flight in a few hours. If you don't want to, it's fine. He'll understand." Nathan told me as he read off his phone. He had changed his clothes. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt and jeans. He looked gorgeous.

I cleared my throat a bit so I don't sound groggy but I did anyways,"No, we can meet him. I had a good nap and I think its important that he meets your 'bride'. I am supposedly a part of this family."

And also this way I won't be alone with Nathan in our honeymoon suite.

Yes, I know I am a coward. I should just confront him. But I like being a coward and an immature person.

As we got off the plane. Nathan kept his hand on the small of my back. It was a small gesture but it warmed my heart. Somehow made me feel safe. He guided me towards the giant coffee shop near the airport where Joseph was waiting for his flight.

As we entered the room, I saw Joseph standing straight with a huge grin on his face near a corner table. You can spot him from anywhere. He was a tall army man who I think fought in world war two. All of his grandchildren took after him.

As we reached the table he enveloped us in a hug. I felt like a chihuahua as I stood between these humongous men.

God, what do these people eat?

We sat down with Joseph, which he insisted on calling him as the waitress took our orders.

"Joseph, I thought you were back home, we had plans to meet you at night." I asked in confusion. After the incident at Landon's house, we cancelled on our next plan and headed to Paris.

"Yes, I thought I'd probably reach home in like three hours, so I would have made it in time, I guess I was wrong. But you have to come again to meet your grandma, she is very excited to meet you. Maybe by the time you'll meet her, you'll be expecting a baby." He said excitedly as he joked but my face dropped. I quickly changed my expression but Joseph had caught on it.

"What happened dear? Did I say something wrong?" He asked me with concern as Nathan looked up from his burger at me too with confusion written all over his face.

Okay, here goes nothing.

"I am not sure if I want kids. Yeah I know a woman's life is incomplete without kids. But I just don't feel the same way. I am sorry grandpa." I looked at Nathan, he would hate me right now. I should have just agreed with him and nodded along.

"Don't be silly Elizabeth. There is nothing wrong in not wanting kids. In the end of the day it's your decision. Maybe your priority is different. A woman is not incomplete just because she doesn't have kids or even the fact that she isn't married. Same applies to a man. Every person has their own goal in their life."

Finally someone supported me. Since I was a kid, I never wanted kids. I loved them but it's just not something I want. I didn't bother telling Nathan about it because it was a fake marriage. My family didn't like it when I told them I didn't want to be a mother. This was so refreshing.

"Yes, you are right. I shouldn't be afraid to voice my opinions just because someone may disapprove. I just didn't want you to think I had a lot of attitude. Now I know that is a completely ridiculous thought." I said nervously, I was always nervous around Joseph Lachlan, he was too intimidating but once you get to know he just a sweet old man.

"Nonsense dear, people who can't handle strong women have created these words attitude or diva to satisfy their egos. But always remember, strong women don't have attitude, they have high standards and firm boundaries."

I smiled and nodded. I don't think I've ever been so impressed with someone. A feminist grandpa is a rare sight.

After I thanked him, we looked over to Nathan who was eating his burger and not paying any attention to anyone. But as he felt eyes on him, he looked at us for a minute," I am also a feminist." He said before going back to his burger.

I giggled. This day went so well that I didn't even realize that two hours had passed. We bid Joseph farewell, he kissed me on my forehead and warned Nathan to take care of me before leaving for his flight.

I felt like he was a father I never had. So sweet and so understanding. When I see him talk about his wife, his eyes light up. They have been married for more than 45 years but they are still so in love.

I wanted that.

We reached the hotel as I had almost forgotten all about Danika or about Nathan's challenge to me.

We laughed as we entered the room.

"You are kidding me!" I exclaimed as Nathan told me about his family history.

"No, not at all. My grandfather had a strong sense that only his daughter who is Aaron's mother should take over his company because he says historically speaking a queen has always had more powerful compared to a king." Nathan said as he sat on the bed and started to take his shoes off.

"Wasn't your father or Landon's mother disappointed that they didn't get to run the company?" I asked, but then I realized his father was dead. I shouldn't have asked him this.

But his expression didn't falter,"No, my dad always wanted to be a pilot whereas Landon's mom, Sienna always wanted to be a teacher, now she is a principal."

"That's nice." I say as I head into the shower to freshen up. I just wanted to take a long, hot shower. I was in the shower for at least half an hour before I felt my fingers get pruney.

I hoped out to smell delicious food.

Wow, Nathan is so thoughtful.

No! Elizabeth, you are mad at him.

Nathan headed towards me and gave me a peck on my lips,"Sorry kitten, I was going to wait but I was too hungry, your food is kept on the table. You can eat while I shower."

He said and headed off to shower. I looked at the clock and realized I was in the shower for almost an hour.

After I ate my food, I just went straight to bed. I didn't want to deal with him. I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. I kept thinking about this drastic change in my life when my bed dipped and before I knew it, I was pulled in his chest as his strong arms were around me. I tried to wiggle but his biceps were too bulky for me to fight off.

I heard him breathe on my neck." I know you don't want to talk about it and I can understand why. You have the right to be angry, but I want you to know that I was wrong. I've never been attracted to a woman as much as I find you attractive. I don't know why you are insecure but I've never seen someone so beautiful inside out. You know people can never forget girls like you, they can try. But they can never forget what your love or your touch felt like." He says but I breathe in deep pretending to be asleep as my heart beats loudly.

This is bad.

I am falling in love again and I can't stop myself.

But I know in my heart he won't fall in love with me.


Hey beautiful people,

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I hope you all know how beautiful and wonderful you guys are. I love you all so much. Thank you!


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