Chapter 13

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I've had some shallow comments about Elizabeth's character being whiny and her insecurities being annoying after a point, some people are commenting about how they would have handled the situation better and stuff like that. For such people let me remind you, that Elizabeth's character has been through a lot, she lost her parents and then was in an eight year old long relationship which was emotionally abusive. She has a major insecurity issue, which can take months or sometimes years to overcome. It is a serious psychological problem and a character flaw that was intended for her. So her character will take some time to improve and learn to embrace the change and herself. So please try to be a little understanding. Love you all :)

Elizabeth Paige

Wow! Landon Chambers just changed physically but he is the same guy otherwise. Still doesn't talk much, and keeps to himself. Landon grew up in a family where he had an evil stepdad who gave everything to his son and treated Landon is a harsh way.

Now as we are sitting around the dining table with each other, I can understand where Nathaniel was coming from. Their relationship seemed superficial. Landon didn't try to hide the fact that it was superficial but Danika kissed him and held his hand while he showed no interest making everyone uncomfortable.

I didn't eat much because if I did I know Danika would end up saying something. But even if I do nothing she will come up with a way to mock me and bully me. You'd think ten years later the bullying may not affect me but it did. Thankfully she hasn't said anything yet.

"So tell me Fatty, how'd you land this hottie here. Come on, you guys tell me how this began? I mean I've been trying to get this man for years." Danika asked as she made eyes at my 'husband'.

"Shut the fuck up, Danika. Talk about her like that again, and we are going to start having some problems."Nathan said angrily, which scared Danika as I saw her visibly flinch.

Here we go.

Nathan ignored her so I guess I had to speak,"I am his personal assistant. We went everywhere together so I guess after one point we fell in love and then a year later we got married." I lied right through my teeth. Wow! I hope she doesn't ask any more questions.

"Well, it sounds kind of like Stockholm syndrome, you know, like our poor Nathan had nowhere to go so he just settled." Danika said obnoxiously as she gave Nathan one of her beautiful smile. Yes, she was very beautiful, no one would deny that. She was a model for God's sake. Nathan was about to get up but I quickly held his hand and squeezed it to stop him

"Danika, lay it off, stop bothering her" Landon spoke for the first time after a long time.

"Come on, aren't you a little curious how he ended up with her, I mean based on how he talked about her in high school." Danika said and that caught my attention.

Oh god! Please, I hope Nathan didn't say anything about me which would just make my insecurities grow.

"Danika, can you just shut it?" Nathan said but for the first time he looked a bit nervous as he exchanged looks with Landon who just shook his head.

I know this was going to hurt me but I had to know,"Tell me, what did he say? I want to know." I almost ordered Danika because I was done with her bullshit. I felt tired, I wanted to go home, in my bed and never come out.

"Well, wow, looks like you can stand up for yourself and you are not a timid little girl who needs help with everything, I guess Nathan was wrong." She said as she looked at my face so she could get a reaction out of me.

But I stayed calm, okay that wasn't so bad right?

"Oh and when I asked him if he likes you, you know what he said, that he protected you because he felt bad for you but never in a million years would he ever date you because he never found you attractive enough."

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