Chapter 1

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Elizabeth Paige

I was sitting in the waiting room and praying to God. I really hope I get this job. Joseph Lachlan needed a personal assistant. As soon as I read this advertisement in the newspaper I knew that it was my only chance. The pay will obviously be good considering the fact "The Lachlan Enterprises" was the most successful business empire in the world. At the age of 75, He didn't work much. His grandsons did everything but never took any credit. Thankfully my best friend was married to one of his grandsons due to which I got this interview.

Nathaniel Lachlan, the name made shivers run down my spine but I shouldn't think about him at all. I have a boyfriend, Micheal Hawthorne and hopefully he will propose soon. We've been going out for almost 7 years now. He also works in the same office where I am going to give an interview. He was kind of hesitant but then reluctantly agreed. I wondered why but I didn't ask questions because of his temper issues. I try to avoid fights as much as I can but his anger issues do not help.

My best friend, Victoria, was very adamant over the fact that I should break up with him. But after losing my parents, Michael was the only person I truly had, compared to my not so friendly relatives. Due to my past I had a habit of clinging on to anything even remotely familiar.

"Elizabeth Paige? You are up next!" The cheerful receptionist said and gave me a sweet smile. I smiled back at her and stood up. I took a huge breath. This is it. It's my last chance. The receptionist followed me and knocked on the door twice. I heard a faint 'come in'. Walking inside alone and I started fidgeting with the files in my hand. Looking up to the man sitting behind the desk, I could see he looked really fit for an old person and by looking at him I could tell he was very handsome in his younger days.

"G-Good morning Sir" I wished him and gave him a smile.

Dammit Elizabeth! Why did you stutter?

You just lost the job you didn't even have. "Don't be nervous, Darling. Come sit here." He said with a genuine smile. I felt less nervous now knowing that he is not as intimidating as he seemed. I nodded in acknowledgment towards two ladies sitting with Mr. Lachlan who were probably going to help him with the interviews.

"I am sorry sir. This is just a big opportunity for me. My name is Elizabeth Paige." I said as I sat down and handed over my files.

He looked over my certificates and was impressed. I may literally suck at other things but I did complete my education well. After asking what seemed like hundreds of questions about my jobs, education and some personal, he looked satisfied. It felt like almost an hour had passed.

"Miss you are a very honorable woman. I would really love to have you as Nathaniel's secretary." He smiled while my eyes widened and I opened my mouth but no words came out.

"I-I am sorry sir but I thought this was- I mean I was supposed to be your PA." Words almost spluttered out of my mouth.

"No darling I am sure you read it wrong." He said looking at me intently and then passed me the paper. I read each and every word again, but I was right.

"Sir this says PA for the CEO of the Lachlan Enterprises." I stated and also pointed out in case. "Oh, I guess you are not aware. I am stepping down and letting one of my grandsons take over my company so technically it is for them." He explained each and every word slowly, so I can register the fact.

He said it in a soothing voice but it didn't calm my nerves.

Working with Nathan Lachlan! Seriously!

"Do you have a problem with this Miss Elizabeth? I chose you because I know you wouldn't fawn over my grandson. He hates unprofessional people. You are a pretty honorable woman and I know you will only do your job. The bonus part is that you have a boyfriend which I am sure will be better for my grandson and for you." He stated and looked at me with in need of an answer.

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