Chapter 12

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Elizabeth Paige

I woke up after a really good night's sleep. I tried to stretch but then I realized I was enveloped around two strong arms. I looked up and saw Nathan sleeping peacefully. He looked so handsome. I still felt like I didn't deserve a man like him. I don't think I am ever going to get over that. But anyways this is just for a year. I have to keep reminding myself that this is not an actual marriage, it's going to be over in a year.

He slowly opened his eyes and gave me a goofy smile,"So ready for round two?" He said in his deep husky sleepy voice. Fuck! He sounded so good. I feel like I am in a dream. I remember being in high school, being one of the girls who doodled his name on the back of my notebook and dreaming of being in same scenario in which I was right now.

"I think we completed at least five rounds yesterday, and I am a bit sore now." I said while moving and winced a bit.

"Well I always thought you'd be a screamer."He said while smirking and then chuckled when he saw my visibly scarlett face.

I never thought I was the kind of woman who'd scream or moan so loudly but I guess it's different with him. Everything is different with him.

"Always? Really?" I said as I got out of bed.

"Well, not always but since the day I proposed marriage, that pretty much all I could think about. Anyways we must reach the airport in two hours for our honeymoon." He said while getting up too and I saw his washboard abs and blushed.

He looked like sin. It was hard to not look or stare. I felt ashamed in a dirty way. Sex was never something I craved. But he just makes me do stuff I never thought I'd do.

I rushed to the bathroom to take a shower before he saw me staring at him like hungry nympho. As I took off my clothes I saw how my entire body was covered in hickeys.

Oh my god! He is a beast!

As I got out of the shower, I wore a heavy white sweater to cover up the hickeys. It would be embarrassing if anybody saw it. I paired it up with jeans and brown boots. I put on a bit of makeup. I wasn't one of those girls who had a naturally flawless skin. I had problems with acne as a teen but I did grow out of it. Still I have a few blemishes on my face which I cover up with makeup.

As I stepped out of my walk in closet in the bedroom and I saw Nathan, He had showered and was wearing a crisp white shirt with grey slacks. He was messaging someone and he looked s bit worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked, he looked startled but he stared at me for a minute before saying," Elizabeth, I don't want you to freak out but We have to go talk to my brother, Landon. You remember Danika? They are dating now. Also my grandfather wants to meet you, and he'll be really upset if we don't drop by first."

He said hurriedly and started making his way out of the room. It took me some time to register everything he said. I followed him like a lost puppy as we headed towards the car out of the house or should I say mansion. A person who grew up in a middle class family, this entire thing seems like a giant leap to me.

As we sat in the car, I thought this was the perfect moment to ask questions.

"I understand the part about your grandfather. But what's wrong with Landon dating Danika? Maybe she has changed. Even if she hasn't, she was just a bully, it's okay, right?"

He stared at me for a minute and then said,"Didn't she make you do all of her homework and also didn't she ruin your prom night?"

I looked at him, with my eyes widened, he remembers! I wanted to ask him why and how he knows these things but I didn't want to seem desperate and make him think that I am taking things way out of context.

"Well yeah but, that was all in high school. People change." I exclaimed and urged him so he'd try to understand me.

Landon Chambers, was my classmate for four years. People always compared them as Landon was a very tall lanky guy and nobody believed that a guy like him was actually Nathan's cousin.

The only time he talked to me was to tell me that my skirt had stained when I got my periods. It was embarrassing but he helped me out at that time.

Otherwise he was considered to be really rude and scary. I avoided him after that incident because it was something I just wanted to forget. But thankfully no one else knew about that situation.

Now I have to meet him again. Oh god! I have to meet Danika again. Please kill me, please.

"Elizabeth, you are freaking out. What's wrong? Are you okay?" I looked up and saw Nathan staring down at me with furrowed eyebrows and worry in his eyes.

"I am not freaking out. I was just sitting quietly. I am fine." I said nervously and avoided eye contact. He looked at me disapprovingly,"You had the same look on your face when somebody asked you to speak during the meeting in front of everyone. You've always had anxiety issues. It's fine, I understand." He said consoling me and putting his hand over my shoulder and rubbing it. It was a small gesture but it warmed my heart. I looked at him and smiled.

Oh no! What is happening?! I can't fall in love with this man. It's starts with infatuation then its ends with love, then heartbreak.

"See you are doing it again" he pointed out and looked upset because of my weird behavior I think. Speaking of weird behavior I hope he didn't hear me sing 'let it go' from Frozen in the shower.

"I guess, I am just nervous you know about seeing Danika after almost a decade, you know." I said as I fidgeted with my fingers.

"You'll be fine, I'll be there right next to you. But now listen, everyone will ask about how we me-" He explained but I cut him off.

"Don't worry, I'll tell them you begged and begged. You slept on my doorstep and you sang songs then I finally agreed. Okay? See, I got it covered, don't worry."

I giggled looking at his blank face. I did catch him off guard. I guess I am getting braver day by day.

"I sang songs? If you hear me sing you'd run in the opposite direction. And no let's stick with the basic office romance story, got it?" He told if as if I am a little child. So I played along.

"Yes Master!"I said as I rolled my eyes. I thought he'd chuckle but his eyes turned dark and before I knew it, Iwas in his lap.

"Say that again, I tie you up to my bed and eat you out, even when I know you that you are about to come, you'll be begging me to stop but I won't. I will continue doing so till your soul leaves your body." I gasped loudly as he quietly whispered in my ear. I turned red like a tomato and a shiver ran down my spine. This man will be the death of me. I quickly got off his lap as we reached our destination. He just chuckled in his sexy voice after looking at my face.

We got out of the car, and took a deep breath in. This obviously couldn't go well. I didn't understand why Danika would want to date Landon when she has been crazy about Nathaniel since college.

She was always the popular girl and Nathaniel was the popular guy so she thought they were meant to be. But surprisingly Nathaniel never dated anyone during high school.

Maybe she has changed

Nathan put his hand on the small of my back and led the way. We rang the door bell and Danika opened the door. She gave me a huge smile and enveloped me in a hug,"Fatty, it's so nice to see you again. I heard you got married? What happened Nathan did you go blind? I am just kidding. Please come inside my humble home."

Okay! Well, I guess she didn't change at all.

"This is my brother's house, not yours." Nathan sneered as we entered the house, wow, he really doesn't like her. I wonder why?

"Nathan, What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on your honeymoon by now?" I heard Landon Chamber speak as he entered the room.

Oh my fucking god! My jaw dropped as I looked at Landon. Guess who got hot?


Hey Beautiful People,

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will update next in two days.


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