Chapter 17

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Elizabeth Paige

As we returned from our very short 'honeymoon', I reminisced the events in Paris. It was all going so well, I felt like nothing could go wrong. We had breakfast at this beautiful little café, I had pancakes, and he ate waffles. We had a lot of funny banters as we roamed around the streets. The paparazzi didn't bother us much thankfully.

I shopped a lot, and he patiently waited outside the trial room like a good boy. He even told me what looked good on me. The charity event definitely was something special, at least to me. It was such a perfect evening, I can't remember the last time I had so much fun.

But suddenly, he became very distant and aloof, I had no idea why. He didn't talk to me much and just kept working on his laptop. I thought it might be a work emergency, but I had his entire schedule with me and everything was perfectly fine.

I asked him if he was alright a few times, but he just gave me a nonchalant reply. He wasn't exactly rude towards me. He has always been very respectful and calm around me, because of which I never understood why people called him ruthless. Well I mean he did break my almost decade long relationship in front of me. But I as a person who never had my parents around was aware why Nathaniel had some problems with control and behavior.

As we finally entered the mansion, after a deafeningly silent ride. We were both very tired so we just freshened up. The idea of a long hot bath in the tub excited me which also relaxed my aching muscles, in the bath I started thinking about Nathan. Now there is only one solution to this problem, confrontation. I don't think I've done anything wrong. He needs to talk to me!

I quickly stepped out, wore my shorts and a large t-shirt. Looking at myself in the mirror, realization struck me, before Michael I used to be a very confident girl, but he shattered it down with comments about my weight and behavior. I remember I met Michael I month after my parents passed away. The more pathetic part was that I couldn't even let him go because I had this excessive need to cling on to anything even remotely familiar.

Now, with Nathan I am a completely different person. I have finally learned how to love myself again. I loved my curly blackish brown hair, my overly round hips and my dark brown eyes. He never made me feel ugly or worthless the way Michael did.

Speaking of Michael, He has been texting me nonstop, telling me about each and every affair Nathan had, or how he 'manipulated' Michael into giving me up. Michael also said that he misses me and wants to marry me, He doesn't care about the job anymore. It all sounded like bullshit to me, so I texted him back, asking him to stop bothering me and to shove it or else I am going to kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

Walking towards Nathan's study where I knew he was probably working. He was a workaholic, no wonder he didn't have a real wife. I entered the room without knocking as I knew if I ask he'd probably say he's busy.

He was sitting on his giant cushion chair typing away on his laptop.

"Nathan, we need to talk" I said firmly, lowering his laptop screen nervously.

"Elizabeth, go to sleep, I am busy. We have a long day ahead tomorrow, you are going to need a lot of energy around my grandma." He repeated the same sentence he's been saying for the past few days.

Okay I've had enough of this.

I shut the damn laptop which finally caused him to look at me as he turned his chair my way with a displeased look on his face.

Okay Elizabeth, maybe you didn't think this through.

"I am sorry to disturb you, but we have to talk!" I exclaim shifting uncomfortably under his speculative gaze.

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