Chapter 7

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Elizabeth Paige

I woke up alone in the bed. He was not there beside me. Yesterday after he went inside the bathroom, I quickly climbed in my bed and fell asleep in a dreamless slumber. I felt the bed dip but I didn't react much as I was too tired.

I quickly freshened up and did my regular morning routine. I picked up a plain black dress and paired them up with black heels. I didn't tie my hair as they were partially wet and I was running late. I quickly did my make up and headed out.

I was about to hail a taxi when the security guard came running outside and told me Nathan had arranged a car for me. I walk towards a very expensive looking car.

Talk about not gaining attention.

I quickly sat in.

"Ma'am, to the office?" The driver, I think his name is Robert, asked me in a polite tone.

"Yes Robert and please call me Elizabeth" I said giving him a smile. He looked a bit shocked as he didn't expect me to remember his name but then nodded and began driving.

I was half an hour late. Never in my entire life have I ever been late for work. I hope Nathan understands. I quickly make Nathan's coffee and grab a donut for myself.

I knock twice on his door before I hear a faint 'come in'. I take a deep breath and enter his cabin. I step in to see he is drinking coffee and is typing away which makes me feel guilty for being late.

"Mr. Lachlan, I am extremely sorry. This was my first and my last time. I will never be late again. Trust me, I am not taking advantage of the situation." I say nervously and rub my palms on my dress as I feel them getting sweaty.

He finally looks up but makes an eye contact with me for only a second before he trails his gaze down to my body. I shift uncomfortably. I see a hint of amusement in his eyes but then it's gone, replaced with cold eyes staring at me.

" But I am angry, Mrs. Lachlan." My eyes widen when he says that. I am at lost of words.

"Come here, now. Tell me why were you late." He says and points out a space just beside his chair. I nervously walk towards him and stop at least a foot away from him.

He looks up before standing. He walks near me. He keeps on looking at my face, trying to figure out something.

" Make it up to me. Now. Before you make me very very angry." I look up and see him taping at his desk indicating he has work to do and I should make my decision fast.

" I don't know how to, Nathan. You want me to work for some extra hours. I can do that. I'll finish most of the reports today-" I went on rambling but he cut me off.

" Give me a good kiss, show me how sorry you are." My widen to the size of saucers.

"What-t do you mean? T-That's very inappropriate." I manage to stutter.

"Fine." That's all he says before sitting down again and typing away furiously.


I walk up to him gathering confidence. One kiss won't do any harm. I should stop acting like a teenager. I stand near his chair and turn his chair around to face me. He looks shocked but then he covers it up with a mock angry look. I give him a nervous smile. He raised his eyebrow as if he is challenging me and somehow knows that I won't go through with this but says nothing. Never in my life had I thought that the guy who protected me, Nathaniel Lachlan, would desire someone like me.

Somehow the urge of proving him wrong erupts within me and before I know it I sit on his lap put my arms around his neck. I hear his breath hitch.

That was definitely not expected.

My hands skim his neck, shoulders and finally his torso. I start skimming his tie as he looks down to my hands. There is literally not much distance between us. Our faces were almost touching.

As soon as he looks up, I tug his tie and finally I claim his lips. He is caught off guard but soon his hands circle around my waist. His hands trails down to my thighs and before I know it he bunched my dress up and makes me straddle him. I keep on kissing him and my arms hold on to his neck and shoulders tightly.

I feel shivers running down my spine as he kisses me harder and gives my ass a harsh squeeze. I whimper loudly as I feel his hardness rubbing against my wet sex. The only thing separating us were our clothes.

A knock on the door breaks our kiss. My eyes widen in realization as I quickly scramble out of his lap. I start running my hand through my hair to look 'I was not making out with my boss/fiancé'.

I look over at Nathan in disbelief as he orders the person to come in. He doesn't bother fixing his appearance. His hair was dishelved, his tie was loose and his lip were swollen, but he just sat there and smirked.

I see Michael enter the room and I hold my breath. He had a file in his hand and he kept looking at me and then Nathan before speaking.

"Mr. Lachlan, the papers." He says as he hands it to him.

"Oh of course, your promotion Mr. Hawthorne. Just a minute." Nathan says to Michael with a cold smirk. He then turns to me. " Ms.Paige, Mr. Smith handed over a contract to me in the morning, I left it on your desk, please bring it to me." He says with a smile. Mr. Smith was our company lawyer. He always handed over most of Nathan's contracts to me but I guess I was late today that's why Nathan collected them.

I walked towards my cabin and saw a brown coloured envelope on my desk. I quickly opened it and started leafing through it as I walked towards Nathan's cabin again.

As I was handing the documents over to Nathan, his hand deliberately lingered on mine longer than necessary. I quickly retracted my hands and looked down as Michael was happily signing the contract.

As Michael was about to leave, Nathan got up to congratulate him, his hand brushed my bottom intentionally and I let out an almost inaudible gasp. I looked up and saw Michael's jaw was clenched and he was angry. I don't know why but that look gave me immense amount of satisfaction. But he quickly recovered as Nathan extended his hand.

"I am very thankful sir. I will drop off the rest of the documents by evening sir." He said with a smile which quite didn't reach his eyes. I knew Michael very well. He always wanted to be superior but here he has no choice.

"Oh right, hand them over to Ms. Paige here." He said as he walked past me but not before sliding his hand almost above my bottom again which made my skin shudder out of delight. " Ms. Paige, if you don't mind can you drop them off at my house tonight around nine?" He said with a smirk looking at me and I saw Michael ball his hands into fists. We lived together but still he had to say that to get on Michael's nerves.

I just nodded as I failed to find words. Nathan was challenging Michael and was enjoying it a lot. It was as if he planned this entire meet to just get on Michael's nerves. Not that I minded, it actually kind of gave me some satisfaction.

But I was extremely mad at him as now Michael will confront me when he hands over those documents and I was in no mood for that.

Today has been one heck of a day. It only 10 am and so much drama has already happened.


Hello All You Beautiful People,

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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