Chapter 2

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Elizabeth Paige

A year later....

Everything at work was going very smooth. Nathan doesn't talk much to anyone, but he is very friendly towards me. Doesn't smile much either but I haven't felt uncomfortable. We have talked a bit about ourselves. Well I did most of it, but he did listen to it intently. We don't talk much because whenever we do we somehow end up arguing.

My personal life was hell. I don't even know why Michael and I were still living together. It's been a year since we had sex. I am still a human, I have my needs, but I am suppressing them.

Spicing things up and dressing up pretty were just a few things I tried, but he ended up insulting me about my lack of experimentation sexually and also my weight which drowned my confidence to zero. After that I didn't even try doing anything.

I made many friends in my new office but I talked to a girl, Emily Warner, the most. She is very friendly and most of all we do share similar interests. I told her about everything including the crush I used to or maybe I still do have on my boss. She said she cannot blame me because everyone has hots for that sexy beast.

I just nodded my head in agreement. As I walked out of the lift when my floor came. Mrs. Watson came running towards me. She had an extremely worried look on her face and many staff members had gathered around Mr. Lachlan's office. Now this is really scaring me. I looked at Mrs. Watson for an explanation.

"Mr. Lachan- I mean our enterprise- I mean we-we" She kept on stuttering and was terribly scared.

"Mrs. Watson please tell me what happened?" I asked her in a serious tone. I really can't stand this.

"We lost the European contract merger" She said and bowed her head.

Oh, No! No! No!

Nathan had worked his ass off for this contract. We sat for hours after the office hours discussing this contract. It was impossible that Nathan didn't get it. He was the best they can consider. This contract was his and his grandfather's dream. They wanted to expand their business to Europe, and this was their best shot.

I quickly composed myself and asked everyone to get back to work. I consoled Mrs. Watson and told her I'll take care of the situation. Walking in the office without knocking, the first visible thing was glass shattered on the carpet and the entire office was a mess. I saw Nathan sitting in his chair with his hands rubbing his face. I felt so bad for him at that moment. He didn't deserve this.

"Mr. Lachlan, are you feeling okay?" I asked in a soft voice. I wasn't scared of him because he will never hurt anyone no matter what, but I was extremely worried.

He looked up and saw my face. He got up and started walking towards me. Nathan had removed his blazer. His white shirt was tucked out and a few buttons on top were open giving a very good view of his chest. The shirt didn't help much to hide all muscles.

His words got me out of my trance.

" No, not at all. This sucks. The reason sucks. Who the fuck made these stupid rules?!" He was furious I could sense it. "What reason?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Mr. Luigi, He is very orthodox man, He believes only a family man can take over such responsibilities. And he said more shit like that but I didn't listen. Can you fucking believe it?" He said and huffed like a baby.

Oh, god.

This is bad.

Everyone knew that Nathaniel Lachlan and marriage were like north and south. He didn't believe in love. This was impossible.

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