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Your name is Sollux Captor, and you love going to the beach. Your dad takes you and Mituna often. You used to hate it, but a few years ago, you met someone. His name was Eridan, and, well, he wasn’t exactly human.

He was a merman.

You remember how shocked you were when you first saw him. You had been climbing the rocks and suddenly saw a huge purple tail diving into the water. A few seconds later, a boy around your age (you think) popped up from under the water. He had fins on his ears and dark hair with a purple streak in the front.

You had nearly fallen from your perch on the rocks, what with the shock of seeing him, and the autumn wind blowing around you. You picked your way down the other side carefully, but when you got there, he was gone. You walked back to the cabin you were staying in.

The next day, you got lucky. You saw him again, but he was closer this time. You called out to him, and he looked at you, terrified and dove back into the water. You, being the dumbass you are, swam in after him. You had nearly drowned, but you felt arms wrap around your waist and bring you to the shore. You opened your eyes and saw his face clearly.

“Wwhat the hell wwere you thinkin? You coulda drowwned!” he looked more concerned than angry though.

“Uh, 2-2orry. II ju2t 2aw you ye2terday, and II wanted two talk two you.” You noticed something was missing and felt your face. Your glasses were gone. “2hiit.”

“Wwhat?” he tilted his head, looking at you with curiosity.

“II had gla22e2. 2ome red and blue one2. ” You looked around on the beach near you, but they weren’t there. “God dammiit.”

“Wwhy do you need ‘em? Do they help you see or wwhatevver?”

“No, they’re ju2t two cover up my eye2. They freak people out.” You found yourself warming up to him considerably, despite the fact that, not only had you just met him, but he wasn’t even human.

“Wwhat do they look like?”

“Well, my riight one’2 red and my left one’2 blue. Liike my gla22e2.”

He noodded before saying, “I could look for ‘em if you wwant. They seem kinda important to you.”

You looked at him for a minute. “2eriiou2ly? You’d do that?”

“Wwhale sure.” He dived back into the ocean before you could reply, and just a couple of minutes later, he was back, your glasses in hand. “These are the ones, right? Right red, left blue?”

“Holy 2hiit, thank you.” You gingerly took your glasses and wiped off the water before putting them back on. “My name’2 2ollux Captor, by the way. What’2 your2?”

He held out his hand to shake. “Eridan Ampora.”

You shook his hand and noticed that he was shivering slightly. You didn’t have much that could warm him up, just a thin jacket and a striped scarf. You unwound the latter from your neck and handed it to him. “Here. Take thii2. You look cold.”

He took it gratefully and wrapped it around his own neck. “Thanks. I reely should be goin noww. Sea ya.” You watched him going back into the water before going back. You visited him at the same spot everyday up until you had to leave.

“Wwhat? You’re leavin already?” Eridan said when you told him.

“Yeah, II know, iit 2uck2. But we’ll probably bee back iin a month or two.”

“Wwell, alright. Come here first.” You took a step closer, wondering what he was doing. Then he completely surprised you by kissing your cheek and swimming away before you had any time to react. You would’ve sat there all day if you hadn’t heard Mituna and your dad calling you.

You ran to them, your cheek still tingling as you drove off.


Hey! This is just me telling you to check out my other stories and to vote and comment and all that jazz. Later!

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