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I walked into the dorm with boxes in my arms. I looked around and set them down on the empty bed. The other one had clothes and half unpacked boxes on it.

When I had finished unpacking what I had- which wasn’t much- a blonde girl with a purple striped scarf wrapped around her neck walked in with someone who looked like her brother carrying more boxes following.

“For the last time, Dirk, I can carry my own damn boxes! You didn’t need to do that. Besides, you’ve got your own dorm to go to and your own boxes to unpack. Worry about that first!” the girl said in a bit of a New Yorkian accent.

Dirk replied, “I know, but it’s my own fucki- oh hi.” He stopped as he saw me, and hurriedly put down the boxes by the other bed before holding out his hand. “I’m Dirk.”

I took his hand and introduced myself. “I’m Jane. Jane Crocker. I suppose you’re my roommate?” I directed the question to the girl.

“Wha- oh, yeah, I’m Roxy Lalonde. Just ignore Strider over there, he’ll never leave if you give him attention.” She said as she continued to unpack and put away her things.

“Alright, alright, I’m going Rox. Good luck. I wish it to anyone dealing with this chick.” I giggled as he left. I heard a sigh coming from Roxy, and I turned my head towards her. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just too tired to deal with his shit right now. ” She put down the skirt she was holding and turned to face me. “How old are you?”

The question caught me by surprise. “I-I’m 19. Why?”

Instead of answering, she asked, “Do you have a fake ID?” I was so confused. What did she have planned?

“Well, yes, but I hadn’t planned on ever actual-” She interrupted me and told me to get it. “What are you going to d-” she grabbed her purse and my hand and took us out of the room. “Roxy! Where are we going?”

“Don’t worry. You’ll see when we get there.” She pulled me down the hall, to the elevator, out of the front door and off of the campus. I was so confused. What did she have planned? She stopped outside of a small pub before going inside, dragging me with her.

“Two beers, please.” She told the bartender.

“Do you have ID?” He sounded tired and bored. I couldn’t blame him. Roxy nodded and held up her ID which said she was 23. She nudged me and I fumbled for my wallet. My own ID said I was 22. The man nodded and went to get our drinks as we sat down at the bar.

I looked around before looking back at Roxy. “Why are we here?”

“I just couldn’t deal with all this bullshit while sober. I needed a drink and Dirk made sure I left all my drinks at home.” She said as the bartender sat our beers in front of us. I took a sip and grimaced, setting the glass back down.

“Is Dirk your boyfriend?” I was hoping so badly that she would say no. For… reasons.

She laughed. “Nah. We’re cousins. Why? You see something you like?” She spread her arms a bit and wiggled her eyebrows. I just laughed and pushed her arm away. She spun around in the chair. We drank and laughed and talked and just messed around for the rest of the night. After my fifth drink, everything became a blur.

When I woke up the next morning, my head was pounding and there was something warm next to me. I looked over and saw Roxy’s face, the rest of her covered in a blanket. I fell out of the bed and screamed, before looking down and seeing that I still had on my clothes, and sighed with relief.

“No we didn’t do anything. We drank, we had fun, we came back and fell asleep, but no, we did not have sex.” Roxy said. “Is the idea that fucking terrifying?”

“Well, not the idea of sex, it’s just that I have a policy where I don’t have sex with- ” I began

“Women.” Roxy said. It may have just been my imagination, but she looked slightly crestfallen.

I sighed, exasperated. “If you would let me finish speaking, I will tell you, that no, it’s not that I don’t have sex with women, but people that I barely know. And while yes, we may have had fun last night, I still don’t know you all that well. We only met yesterday, after all.”

“Oh. Well, ok. I’m Roxy. I’m 19 years old and I love cats and wizards. I will admit that I have a bit of a drinking problem. My favorite color-” I cut her off by kissing her. It was soft and slow.

When I pulled away, I said, “Roxy, you still need to finish unpacking.”

“Shit, you’re right. Eh, unpacking be damned, I can do it later. I’m a bit preoccupied right now, anyhow.” Before I could realize what she meant, she pulled me down onto the bed and into a much more intense kiss than the first. I must agree with Roxy. Unpacking be damned.


Hello gay bacon strips! I'd just like to remind anyone who is reading this that I take requests. I dont care what ship it is, but I don't do smut, so just keep that in mind. If you have any suggestions, just leave them in the comments. Bye!

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