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Hehe, it sounds like canada the way I pronounce it.


"Ms. Maryam, they would like to see you in the main office" Kanaya paused in her work. Why were they calling her down? Did she do something?

"Make sure you bring your things." Doctor Scratch said as he wrote her a pass. She took it, making her way to the front of the school. She wondered what they wanted her for.

Did her mother drop something off for her? Unlikely, but possible. Perhaps there was a new student. She /was/ a part of the welcoming committee after all. Maybe it was Eridan, who she had fought last week after he had been harassing Feferi and Sollux.

Kanaya pondered over the possibilities as she walked through the hall, the only noises accompanying her being her breathing and her shoes slapping the floor. She pushed open the door to the office when she reached it, letting close behind her with a /whumpf/.

"Ms. Maryam?" Asked Mrs. H from behind the front desk.

"Yes?" Kanaya answered. She wanted to get to the bottom of why she was here.

"Ah, yes. We have a new student, and I'd like for you to show her around the school, so that she knows where all of her classes are." Mrs. H told her. She then turned to someone next to Kanaya and said, "Ms. Leijon, would you care to stand?"

The person next to Kanaya complied and stood up. She was shorter than Kanaya, and was practically swimming in an olive green jacket.

"Let's get going then!" She said enthusiastically.

Kanaya smiled and led the girl back out into the hall.

"What's your name?" Kanaya asked as they walked down the hall.

"Nepetalia, but I like Nepeta. Or Nep, whichever you like. How about you? What's yours?" Nepeta asked.

"I'm Kanaya." She said, thinking over the name. It sounded familiar. Nepeta. Where had she heard that name before?

Suddenly, she remembered spending recess with a girl with big green eyes like the girl next to her, and a blue hat, that she presently lacked. But there was no denying that they were the same person.

Kanaya crushed the shorter girl in a hug and grinned. When she pulled back, Nepeta had a look of confusion on her face. Kanaya blushed, only then realizing that Nepeta probably hadn't recognized her yet.

"Sorry, it's just that. Well. Do you remember 3rd grade? With Ms. Condy?" Kanaya asked, bubbling with excitement over seeing her old friend.

"Uh, vaguely. Why?" Nepeta asked, clearly still confused.

"It's me! Kanaya! We used to play together during recess all the time! But, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't remember me, it /has/ been 10 years, after all. Disappointed, yes, but not surprised."

Kanaya watched as Nepeta mouthed her name, her face showing that she was thinking. After a moment, her face lit up with recognition, then joy.

"Kan-kan!" The two girls spent more time on the tour catching up than they did actually figuring out where Nepeta's classes were, but they silently decided that there would be time for memorizing the school later.

Now was the time for talking about how much they had grown, and how much gayer they had gotten. Especially the latter.

At the end of the day, Kanaya asked if Nepeta would like to come over, seeing as her house was within walking distance.

"I'd have to call my mom, but I don't think she'll mind." She called home and got permission to go.

At the house they hung out and watched trashy reality tv, and talked more, especially about crushes, and past relationships.

"I was dating a girl named Rose for a while in sophomore year, but we broke up. It ended on good terms though, and she's dating Jade now. Do you remember Jade?" Kanaya told Nepeta.

"I remember Jade. Jade the dog-lover, right?" Nepeta asked.

Kanaya nodded. "That's the Jade."

"Well what about now? Do you have a crush on anyone? I bet I could come up with a better ship name than you!" Nepeta said excitedly.

Kanaya blushed. She couldn't exactly tell the girl in front of her how she felt. She could barely puzzle through it herself. Seeing Nepeta had rekindled a lot of old feelings and it was confusing for Kanaya.

"I- I think I do, but- it's just, it's very confusing. So I'm not really sure how I feel, exactly, and I don't want say anything to her for fear of hurting her." Kanaya said.

"Oh. That's alright, I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough." Nepeta said. She looked out of the window at the setting sun then checked her watch. "It's getting late. I should go, but I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright." The two of them stood and squeezed each other. Kanaya walked Nepeta to the door and watched her walk until she was out of sight.


Over the next few weeks, Kanaya and Nepeta hung out together nearly every day. Kanaya sorted through the feelings that she had and thought over everything.

The third week after Nepeta had come back to the school, Kanaya decided to tell Nepeta.

She invited her over after school again. They sat in Kanaya's room.

"Nepeta, I think I've figured my feelings out. But I'm not sure how to tell her. Would you help me?" Kanaya said.

"Hm. I'd suggest just coming straight out and telling the girl. But who is it? You are killing me here!" Nepeta sighed dramatically.

Kanaya screwed up her courage and said just one word. "You."

Nepeta sat up and looked at Kanaya. "You're not joking?" Kanaya shook her head. Nepeta's face broke into a wide grin.

"Well in that case..." She said, and before Kanaya could ask what she was doing, she had pounced on her.

Before she knew it, Kanaya was laying flat on her bed with Nepeta on top of her, kissing her passionately.

Kanaya flipped over so that she was on top and began sliding her hands up the shorter one's shirt.

Then Nepeta began laughing. Kanaya pulled back, confused, and a little bit hurt.

"I'm- I'm sorry it's just, it tickles!" Nepeta said breathless.

"Oh does it now?" Kanaya asked, slowly smiling.

"Oh no, please don't! Please!" Nepeta squealed, squirming under Kanaya, but it was too late. Kanaya dug her fingers into Nepeta's sides while Nepeta laughed and tried to push Kanaya off of her.

After a few minutes of Kanaya mercilessly tickling Nepeta, she ceased. Nepeta relaxed and caught her breath.

"No more. No more." She said, once she had.

Kanaya smiled and said, "Alright."


Ship requested by @CottenCandyGarnet (like, 6 months ago, and I am so sorry that I didn't do this earlier. Please forgive me.) Suggest something! I promise that it won't take as long as this did. Have a good day/night! And once again, I'm so sorry that this took so long.

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