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You were sitting on the couch in your tiny, shitty apartment. Your boyfriend was sitting next to you, trying to get you to speak to him. But you couldn't. Not after what he did to you.

"Babe, please, I said I was sorry!" Dave said, scooting closer to you. You pointedly looked in the opposite direction.

"Sorry doesn't fix it! You broke it, and now it can't be put back together." You said. You still couldn't bring yourself to face him.

"Karkat, I'll buy you a new 'Clueless' DVD. Please, just talk to me."

You finally turned to face Dave. "That was a limited edition version! It won't be the same!" You cross your arms and pout when you're done.

Dave circles his arms around you and buries his face in your side with the rest of his body stretched across the couch. What he says next is muffled by your sweater. "It's not my fault that you left it in the middle of the floor."

You put your arm around him and squeeze. "You just need to watch where the fuck you step."

"Fucking fight me, Karkles." He says, face still in your side.

"I'm right here, douch pouch." You reply.

You can practically hear him rolling his eyes.

You nudge him and say, "Love you, you fucking nerd."

"Love you too, shit stain."

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