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PLEASE READ BEFORE MOVING ON WITH THE STORY! It is my personal headcanon that Gamzee is genderfluid, so instead of 'he/him/his' pronouns, it will be 'they/them/their' pronouns. Just letting you know, so that you won't be confused n shit. Carry on!


Tavros sat in his bed, not doing much. He never did. He'd play Pokémon, eat, or sleep. Gamzee came to visit a lot, which was nice. That made it not so lonely. But Tavros was always sad when they left. He was worried that he'd never get to tell Gamzee how he actually felt. That the cancer in his legs would spread to the rest of his body and his heart would stop beating and his brain would stop working, and he'd leave so many words unsaid. He didn't want that to happen. He wanted to man up and just get it over with. Even if Gamzee never spoke to him again, it wouldn't matter much. He shouldn't have survived even this long. He was living on borrowed time.

Gamzee had said that they would visit today, and Tavros was determined to tell them. When Gamzee walked in the door, they were followed by a nurse who told them, "If you two need anything, just push that button, next to the bed, ok?" he pointed to the button before turning and leaving, closing the door behind him.

Gamzee pulled up the chair that they usually had and sat down carefully by Tavros. They noticed the usual lack of anyone else there. It pissed them off that Tavros had a brother and a father and that neither could ever seem to take the time out of their day to visit him. He had reassured Gamzee slightly by saying, "It's fine. My dad's usually busy,,,, and Rufioh visits right,, before and after school, and he's here,,, all day on Sunday." This wasn't entirely untrue. Rufioh did actually visit quite a lot, along with Mituna and even Kurloz sometimes. And his dad was busy... screwing his stepmom. But he didn't mind. He didn't like either of them all that much anyway.

"Hey, Tavbro. How ya feelin?" Gamzee asked. Tavros shrugged. He guessed he was alright. A bit nervous, for obvious reasons, but the pain was minimal, and he felt fairly happy, especially now that Gamzee was here. He sat up a little straighter in his bed, saying, "I'm good. How,, uh, how are you?" He hated how he spoke. Always stuttering and hesitating. It's not like he wanted to do it! He just couldn't help it. But his stepsister, Vriska, was always quick to point it out.

"I'm pretty mother fuckin alright bro." Gamzee answered.

They both spoke at the same time then. "Hey,, Gamzee I-" "Uh, Tavbro, there's someth-"

"Oh, haha. Why don't you,,, go first, Gamzee?" Tavros told them.

"Nah, nah, it can wait, it's not all that fuckin important." They answered.

"Oh,, well um,, I just wanted to tell you that I,,,, I r-really like you,, but like, as more,,, than just,, bros... and.. um, that's it,,, really." Tavros said, blushing. He hoped that Gamzee would at least accept it, and not shun him completely, although it'd be amazing if they felt the same way.

"Well shit, mother fucker. I was all up and about to say the same mother fuckin thing about you. You're a pretty great fuckin miracle, you know that, Tavbro?"

"Wow... really?" Tavros asked.

"Hell yes, really. I wouldn't all up and fuckin mess with someone's feelings like that. Especially not you."

"Wow... Uh, Gamzee? Can you come closer? Please?"

They were pretty confused as to why Tavros wanted them to come closer, but they did it anyway. When they did, Tavros pecked their cheek, real soft, and quick like. He looked at them with his big brown eyes that reminded them of a calf. "I-I'm sorry,, if that wasn't,,, ok. I just-" Gamzee cut him off with a swift kiss to his lips. When they pulled back, they saw that Tavros' eyes had gone even huger, if that was even possible.

"It's ok Tavbro. It's all mother fuckin ok." ((I was gonna end it here, but I decided to continue. You're welcome.))

But it wasn't. Not for long, anyway. Just as Tavros had seemed to be getting better, he suddenly got so much worse. It was so bad, that not even Rufioh was allowed to see him at times. The time that Gamzee and Tavros spent together was filled with soft kisses and whispered words of comfort. It was a precious time for the both of them.

When Tavros died a few days later, Gamzee was devastated. They locked themself in their room and just laid there, looking at the ceiling, with tears running down their face and disappearing into their wild, dark hair.

They couldn't believe that Tavros was gone. Ripped from the world before his time. Why was the world so cruel?


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