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I flopped onto the couch and sighed. It had been a long day. Work had been crazy and my feet were tired from standing all day.

I groaned and mashed my face into the cushions. As I did this, the door opened and I heard keys hit the table. Next thing I know, someone was laying on me.

"Ughhh, Terezi why."

"How did you know it was me? I could've been a murderer." She replied.

"You and I are the only ones with keys." I replied.

"Fair point."

I rolled off the couch, effectively getting her off of me. "You are so mean to me, Nepurrta." She complained, using my kittyfied name.

"You layed on me first, Purrezi."

"That doesn't mean you have to push me onto the floor."

"I didn't push. I /rolled/. Big difference." I reasoned as I stood. I went to refill the food bowl for our cats, Pounce de Leon and Thor, and Terezi went to find something to eat.

"Do you want mac and cheese tonight?" Terezi asked from the pantry.

"Ugh I'm tired of pasta. Don't we have hamburgers from last night?" I answered, searching the fridge.

"No, we ate them, remember?"

"Damn, that's right, we did." I cursed.

"Ah ah ah, language. What would Equius think of that?" She chided, jokingly.

I got an apple from the fridge and bit into it. "Oh, blow me, Tez."

"That can be arranged."

I snorted and nearly inhaled some of my apple. "We are quite possibly, the two most asexual people I know."

"We couldn't be more asexual if that were how we reproduced."

"So very ace."

"Okay, but really, what do you want to eat?" Terezi replied.

"I dunno. I'll just heat up some soup. Clam chowder sound good?" I asked, picking up the can.

" 'GC ponders the option. She walks over to her beautiful girlfriend and wraps her arms around the lioness to get a better look at the can, seeing as she is legally blind. She decides that yes, clam chowder is perfect, anything to get rid of her hunger.' "

I laugh as she speaks in our old rp format. " 'AC turns around in her lovers embrace, and stares into the stunningly blue eyes. She places a kiss-" I kissed her cheek, "-on her cheek before a purrfectly mischevious idea comes to mind.' "

Terezi looked at me suspiciously and tried to back away, but I wrapped my arms around her and kept her in place.

She shreiked as I tickled her sides and tried to push me away, but I refused to surrender. The can of soup lay forgotten on the floor as I chased her back into the living room. We fell onto the couch, with me laying on top of her this time, and I continued my tickle attack.

"I surrender! I surrender!" Terezi called after a few more seconds of tickling. I ceased and layed down, my arms wrapped around her waist.

She took a few deep breaths and looked down at me. She then grinned and rolled off of the couch, taking me with her.

We landed with a rush of air from my lungs. "Ack! You are soo heavy... I'm dying. Can't. Breathe. Bleh..." I rolled my head to the side and stuck out my tongue.


I remained as motionless as I could, but it was ruined when Thor put his paw on my face. "Ah! Thor! You are ruining my deadness, here!"

He scampered off to his kitty bed and was shortly joined by Pounce.

"Hey, Tez."

"Yes, Nep nop?"

I rolled over so that I was once again on top and kissed Terezi. After I pulled away, I got up and pulled my girlfriend up with me. My stomach growled then, reminding me how hungry I was.

I walked over to the kitchen and picked up the can of soup, looking for the can opener while Terezi pulled out a pot and put it on the stove.

While the soup heated up, I turned on the radio and the two of us danced together. It was a good thing we were on the bottom floor, or else we would've had some angry neighbors.

"Hey." Terezi said softly, rocking back and forth with me.

"Hey." I answered.

"I love you."

I smiled up at her. "I love you too."


I HOPE THAT WAS GAY ENOUGH AND NOT TOO OOC. Dedicated to @PercyvelCooke who requested it. As always(ish), suggest something! And have a good day/night!

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