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The man hit the tv, which had just gone to static.

"C'mon ya piece a' shit, work already!" The screen flickered back on, although it was considerably lower quality than it had been before.

"-stranger found dead in a local park this afternoon. The cause of death is believed to be asphyxiation, but we will need to wait for an autopsy to be certain."

They showed a picture of the body and the man gasped. "Paint..."

He turned off the television, unable to keep watching. He could hardly believe it. Paint was dead. Gone. He glanced at the ring box on the nightstand. Tonight was the night he was finally going to propose and now he was never going to see her again.

Just then, there was a knocking at the door. He was half tempted to ignore them, but he knew he couldn't stop his life because someone he cared about had died. People died all the time. It was nothing new.

He opened the door. "What d'ya wa-" he paused when he saw who was there before crushing her in a hug.

"I thought you were dead, Paint."

"What? What made you think that?" She asked, her voice slightly muffled by his shoulder.

"On the news! I saw your body..." His voice cracked.

"Slick, honey, it's alright, I'm right here, I'm alive. It's possible that it was just someone who looks like me." Paint said calmly.

Slick nodded. "Yeah... yeah, that's probably it." He squeezed Paint tighter and let her go. "I'm just so glad that you're alive. I- I love you." He stumbled over the unfamiliar words. He didn't tell her that very often. Not often enough.

"I love you too, Slick. Now, we had dinner reservations, yes?"

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