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Now, I won’t lie to you, their story is just a bit odd, what with Rose being a literal goddamn fairy and Kanaya, a stylish explorer, who just so happened to be a vampire. But they worked together. Like, they really worked together. They were practically the perfect couple, despite the fact that Rose barely reached Kanaya’s knees and Kanaya tended to suck blood.

But nevermind all that.

Let’s go back to… when they met? Hm, that seems too cheesy. What about their first kiss? No, that won’t do either. Oh! I’ve got it! Last Thursday. Perfect!

Last Thursday had been just a simple day. A drizzly day spent inside. Kanaya called to Rose from the living room. “Rose, dear, would you come here?” Kanaya had finally finished the dress that she had been working on for months now, and she couldn’t wait to unveil the surprise.

Rose then fluttered in, zigzagging a bit, and she flew into one of the walls, obviously drunk. “whoopsh.” She muttered, before giggling a bit. Kanaya dropped the dress and rushed over to make sure that Rose was alright.

“Oh, you’ve been drinking your soporifics, haven’t you? I thought we poured them all out! I thought you had given them up! Where did you even get them?” She continued, rambling on and asking questions, one after another. Rose didn’t answer any of them. Kanaya hadn’t really expected her to.

Kanaya picked Rose up, gingerly, and carried her to their room. “Kayana?” Rose asked, half asleep.

“Yes, Rose?”

Rose grabbed Kanaya’s face and kissed her nose. “Can you purr out all of the acolhol? I don’t wanna be like this anemonemore. I wanna remembemer you and all the times we spend together. I wanta say things right. I want to member your soft, soft hair and your pointy, pointy teef.” She kissed Kanaya’s nose again. “I wan to know that you are still here because you lub me, an not cuz I’ll get myself in troububble if you’re gone. I don want you to be sho worried about me. So, ken you pour them out?”

Kanaya looked at her before smiling softly and saying, “Of course.” She tucked Rose into the bed, almost like a child, and kissed her forehead before walking out and leaving Rose, fast asleep.

About 3 hours later, Rose stumbled in, holding her head in one hand. Her wings drooped, and she still seemed a bit out of it, but she was sober albeit a bit hungover. The steady dripping of the rain on the roof certainly didn’t help.

She climbed up onto the couch next to Kanaya, who was reading a book on different sewing techniques and helpful tips for making clothes. She crawled under Kanaya’s arm and snuggled up to her side. “Did you pour them out?” she asked quietly.

Kanaya nodded, “Yes. And I do love you, you know.” She looked at Rose. “I love you more than anyone, and I’ll always be worried about you. It’s in my nature.” She smiled and kissed the fairy on the lips.

“I love you too, Kanaya.” They sat there and snuggled, reading books and kissing occasionally, and Rose was quite glad that she wasn’t drunk.


dedicated to @cumbercritter because they requested it.

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