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I tapped my fingers on the table in front of me, glancing over at my phone every few seconds in case I got any new messages. Where the hell was he?

I finally gave in to my urge to call. Of course it just went to voicemail like the last three times. "Gamzee, it's Karkat. Where are you? This is the third time you've done this this month. Call me back when you get this, if you can even bother checking your phone." I hung up and put my phone back on the table.

I could feel the waiter looking at me with pity. I turned my face to the wall to hide it. Tears started to blur my eyes as I heard the door jingle. I didn't check to see who it was. Every time before it had been people leaving or some other fuckers walking in.

"Hey babe, thorry I'm late, traffic wath crazy and then, to top it all off my phone died. I would've called you otherwithe."

I looked up. That was definitely NOT Gamzee's voice.

Sitting in front of me was a guy wearing 3D glasses (seriously, what the fuck) and he had braces (was he still in highschool?).

"Uh.." I paused, and then realized, this kid was trying to help me. "About time you got here. I've been waiting for almost an hour."

"I know, and I'm tho thorry. Ith there anything I can do to make it up to you?" He asked, leaning forward and grabbing my hand.

"You can take me out for ice cream after dinner." I said. Of course, I didn't actually expect him to take me for ice cream.

"Done." He let go of my hand and leaned back in his seat. The waiter came over and asked if we were ready to order. I got a hamburger and the other guy got chicken fingers.

He pushed a napkin toward me. 'My name'2 2ollux, btw. What'2 your2?'


'iit'2 my way of embraciing my lii2p. What'2 up wiith the all cap2?'


We passed napkins and pens back and forth throughout dinner. Halfway through, Gamzee FINALLY fucking called me back.

"Ith that important?" Asked Sollux, pointing at my phone.

I pressed the ignore button and turned off my phone. "Nope."

We split the check and left the restaurant together.

"Well, see you. Maybe." I said, moving to get in my car.

"Not tho fatht. I thtill gotta take you out for ice cream." He said, hand outstretched.

"What? I wasn't being serious about that you know." I said, hand still on the door handle of my car.

"Yeah, but come on, it'll be fun."

I thought about it for a minute. "Alright. Get in."


"I'm cold, and I am not walking to the ice cream place. Besides I know of a really good place kinda far away. Now get in." I opened the door and climbed in, starting the car. Sollux climbed into the passengers seat.

We talked some more in the car until he asked, "Tho, who were you waiting for back there?"

"My boyfriend." I answered shortly.

"Oh. What'th the occathion?"

"It uh... It's our anniversary." It was silent for a few minutes.

The silence was broken by Sollux. "Hath thith happened before?"

"Well... Yeah, actually." I could feel my anger boiling up, but I tried to stay calm, as I was still driving.

Sollux scoffed. "He doethn't detherve you."

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