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I sat on the plane, fidgeting nervously. I played with the zipper on my jacket, adjusted my seat, straightened my sports bra. I didn't want to wear a binder on the plane and risk warping my ribs. It was kind of a long trip from Washington to Texas.

I was excited and nervous at the same time. Jane and I were going to Texas along with our cousins Jade and Jake, and our friends Rose and Roxy. Well, Jane and Roxy had started dating a little while ago. Anyway, we were all meeting Dave and Dirk at the airport.

I hadn't told Dave about me being trans, because I was afraid he'd be a stereotypical Texan, transphobic, homophobic, racist.

Luckily, he wasn't racist, because he didn't do anything to imply he was when he found out that I was Indian. Like, from India, not Native American.

Anyway, I was nervous about this. We were all staying in Dave's and Dirk's apartment, so he'd probably find out. Hopefully he wasn't an asshole.

Jane put her hands over mine and said, "Calm down, it'll be fine."

"Easy for you to say, you don't have to worry about your best friend accepting you. No, I'm sorry, not best friend. Girlfriend. You guys are dating now!"

"John, I'm sure it'll be fine. Just calm down. Take a nap. I'll wake you up when we get there."

"Fine." I huffed, and closed my eyes, falling asleep before I knew it.

Jane kept her promise and shook me awake as we were landing.

"We're here." She said excitedly.

I waved her off and rubbed my eyes, yawning as I did so.

We went to baggage claim and got our bags before going to find Dave and Dirk.

We found the two Striders a few minutes later, standing with the Lalondes, both of them holding signs. Dave's read Egbert/Crocker and Dirk's read English/Harley. Jane ran up to greet Roxy, while I followed at a slower pace. Dave set down his sign when he saw me.

"Hey Egderp. What's up?"

"Oh, y'know. Murder."


"I, uh, gotta go to the bathroom real quick."

"You mean you didn't go on the plane?"

I raised my eyebrows and said "Have you ever been in a plane bathroom? They're small and disgusting."

Dave rolled his eyes and I went to find the bathroom so I could put on my binder. I checked the side pockets, the big pocket in the middle, and the pocket inside that. I couldn't find one anywhere in my bag.

"Shit." I muttered. I had left them at home.

I walked out and back to where the others were, now with Jake and Jade with them.

I pulled Dave aside and said "So, there's something you should know... uh, well... umm." I unzipped my jacket and took a deep breath "I'm a uh, trans boy. And I left my binders at home." I looked at him as he looked me up and down, as if studying me. I got uncomfortable and crossed my arms over my chest.

He smacked himself in the forehead and said "Sorry, I was just trying to see if we'd have the same size binder."

"Wait, what?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm trans too. I guess I never told you."

"Oh. Ok then." I sighed in relief. That had gone much better than I could've hoped.

He put his hand on my shoulder and we walled back to the others.

"Do the others know?" He asked.

"Well yeah. Jane's my sister, Jade and Jake are my cousins and Rose knows just because she knows. So, I guess Dirk and Roxy would be the only ones who don't know."

He nodded.

We followed the Striders outside and to their van, all of us singing obnoxiously loudly as Dirk drove.

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