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When I saw her, I almost turned around and walked out of the boutique. All I wanted was a dress for Dave’s wedding. I hadn’t signed up for a drop dead gorgeous shop employee. Her skin had the appearance of dark skin gone pale. She had short, black hair and jade green lipstick that matched her eyes beautifully. Of course, my face betrayed nothing. I maintained my calm composure as I walked to the counter.

“Hello.” I greeted her. She gave me a small smile- barely that, just an upward quirk of the corners of her lips- and returned the greeting in a voice just as beautiful as she. “How may I help you?” she annunciated every word so that you couldn’t possibly miss a single one.

“I need a dress for my brother’s wedding, and a friend of mine recommended that I come here.” I told her. It was true. Jade had been trying to get me here for months. And here I was, because Dave had finally proposed to her.

“Well, let’s see if any of the pre made dresses work, shall we?” She walked around the shop, myself following, looking between the dresses hanging up and on the mannequins and me. I shook my head at each one and she agreed. Then we moved on. When we walked back to the front we sighed simultaneously ((at the same time. HAHAA PSAT jokes)). “I could make you a custom dress. It is something that I do quite often.”

“How long does it usually take?”

“Oh, about a week or so. I hope that that is enough time.” She looked at me, waiting patiently for an answer.

“Yes, that’s plenty. Thank you.” I smiled slightly, my black colored lips pulled to one side.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the back of the shop. “Well, let’s get your measurements so that I can start on it.” She pulled me into a smaller back room with fabrics and sewing machines and a stool. She pulled a tape measure out and had me lift up my arms. As she measured, she said, “I never did get your name.” I realized that I didn’t know hers either. “Would you care to tell me?”

“It’s Rose. What’s yours?”

“Kanaya.” She continued working in silence while I pondered over the name. Kanaya. What a strange name. It was oddly familiar though, as if I had known her once in a dream. I shook my head lightly. That was an absolutely ridiculous thought. When Kanaya stood up she asked, “Do you have any ideas in mind for the dress, or do you trust me to design it?”

I raised my eyebrows. “You designed all of those?” I gestured out to the main shop area where most of the clothes were. She smiled- that tiny little barely there smile, like the Mona Lisa- and nodded. “Well, I certainly do trust you with designing it. You must have wonderful taste.” Her tiny smile grew wider, until I could see just a glimpse of her teeth.

Then she hid it away and once again was business like. “Now, I’ll need a way to contact you for when the dress is finished. A phone number or email.” I nodded.

“I’ll need a pen and some paper.” Kanaya pulled them out of her skirt pockets and handed them to me. I wrote down my information. Rose Lalonde. XXX-XXX-XXXX. lalonder@email. com. ((idk, ok? I just wanted to make up an email for her, shutup.)) I handed them back to her and she looked at the paper before nodding and putting everything back into her pockets.

We walked back into the main area and I was almost at the door when I turned around and asked, “Would you like to, maybe, go out for coffee with me sometime?” She seemed surprised at the sudden offer and I was afraid she would turn me down. Then she smiled, wider and more sincere than the others.

“That sounds lovely. I know a wonderful coffee shop just down the street. Perhaps we could go when the dress is finished?” Kanaya tilted her head just slightly to the side. I smiled back at her.

“Yes, that sounds wonderful.” I turned and walked out of the shop, feeling as light as light itself. I couldn’t wait for the dress to be finished.


Sorry i haven't updated in like two weeks! So, i hope this is ok. Also, I started another story. It's a johndave fic, and it's called With Eyes to Hear and Hands to Speak. You guys shoukd check it out and stuff. I've only got the first chapter up so far though, but still. Remeber to vote, comment, all that good stuff. AND I AM IN NEED OF SUGGESTIONS FOR THIS THING, SO IF YOU HAVE IDEAS OR SHIPS YOU WANT IN HERE, THEN TELL ME, PLEASE. Emma out.

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