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Your name is Jade Harley and you are currently standing outside of the school, wearing your girlfriend's jacket, and trying to avoid eye contact with the asshole standing next to you, smoking.

Tonight was prom, and practically the whole school was there. You had left the building because the gym had felt too crowded and stuffy. Before you had left, however, you were dancing with Rose and having a fairly decent night. You now regret your decision to step outside.

When you had told Rose you were going to step out for a bit, she gave you her jacket to keep warm, since yours was pretty thin. She also said that she'd be out after you in a minute. You silently wish that she would hurry.

After what feels like forever of the guy breathing down your neck, he speaks. "Is that your boyfriend's jacket?"

You don't turn to face him as you respond. "No."

"So you're single?" He asks, and you can feel him creeping closer to you.

"I never said that." You answer, inching further from him.

"But you-" he began, but you cut him off as you finally turn to face him.

"I only said that it wasn't my boyfriend's jacket. The only question that that answers is that this is not my boyfriend's jacket. You don't even know if I have a boyfriend. I could be gay. Or any number of other things. It could be a friend's jacket. I could be borrowing it from a relative. It could just be my jacket. But it is not any of those things."
You answer, fed up with him even though he's barely said 10 words to you.

Just then, Rose opens the door and comes to your rescue. You grin at her, and she smiles back.

"Rose, I think I've had enough fresh air. Do you want to go back inside?"
You ask her, with a pleading look on your face.

Thankfully, she notices and says, "Of course, Jade."

The two of you walk back inside with your hands intertwined and you only pause to throw a comment over your shoulder.

"It's my girlfriend's jacket, by the way."

As soon as the door closes you turn to Rose and say "Thank you."

She smiles and says, "It's nothing. I thought it was rather funny, the dumbstruck look on his face. Although, why did you feel the need to tell him it was my jacket?"

"Ugh, he was just breathing down my neck like a total creepazoid, and after about ten minutes, he starts out with, 'Is that your boyfriend's jacket?'" You tell her.

Rose hums in understanding and grabs your other hand, standing close to you and kissing you.

"Well, I'm glad you informed him of the error of his ways. Do you want to go back in or should we go home?"

You think for a moment before grinning mischievously and answering, "Let's go to your house."

She matches your mischievous grin and replies, "My house it is, then."


And then they watched netflix until 4 am.
So yeah, been a super long time since this has been updated, so hi there. If anyone even reads this anymore. Seeya, probably.

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