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Your name is JAKE ENGLISH and you are very gay for your best friend.

You can't help that he's so adorable. He just lights up whenever he talks about his favorite movies or magic tricks, and you love hearing him play the piano.

You've invited him over to watch movies at your place and you were hoping to admit your feelings to him.

You heard the doorbell ring and you rushed to get it, but at the door you hesitated. 'Should I tell him? I don't want to ruin our friendship. Although, I'm sure that he'll be understanding about it. Won't he?' You shook your head and opened the door to see John.

"Hello, John, buddy, come in, come in!" You say, internally cringing at the 'buddy' you had put in.

"Hey Jake! Ready for our movie marathon?" John says as he steps through the door.

"Always!" You answer, closing the door behind him. He grins at you and puts his sleeping bag down on the couch.

You muster up the courage. Now seems as good a time as any to tell him. "Erm, John?" You say, at the same time as he says, "Hey, Jake?"

You laugh nervously. "You go first." He opens his mouth to protest, but you won't take no for an answer.

"Alright then. Uh. How do I say this?" He begins and you're a jumble of nerves. What is he going to say?

John lets out a deep breath and then laughs, as he bounces on the balls of his feet. "Uh, well, I kindasortamaybehaveateenybitofacrushonyoubutitsokayifyoudontfeelthatwayaboutmeilljustgoinacornernowkaybye." He rushes out all in one breath.

"Woah, woah, John, could you say that again slowly?" You ask, not sure what you just heard, but not daring to believe that its what you thought it was.

John takes another breath. "I kinda sorta maybe have a teeny bit of a crush on you but it's okay if you don't feel the same way. I just wanted to get that off my chest."

You almost cry you're so relieved. Instead, you let out a breathy laugh and crush the boy in a hug. He's very obviously confused by this.

"Uh, wha- what does this mean?" He asks.

You think for a moment before you decide what to do. "It means," you say, before pulling back and leaning in to place a gentle kiss to his lips, "that I /do/ in fact, feel the same way."

John looks surprised. "Oh." Then he breaks into a huge grin, showcasing his adorable buck teeth.

You smile back at him and then a sudden thought occurs to you that makes you frown. "Er, John, there is something that I feel I should tell you before we start up any sort of romantic relationship."

His face becomes serious at this. "You can tell me anything, you know that."

"I- I'm asexual." I said.

"Oh. That's okay. That's fine. It doesn't keep any sort of romantic relationship from forming, and I mean, I have two hands and ten fingers that aren't broken, if I need to use them." He tells you.

You smile at him and crush him in another hug. "Well. Now that all that's settled, I do believe we have a movie marathon to begin."
Hello! Just a reminder to please PLEASE suggest something, there is a reason that I hardly update this. You can suggest a ship, an AU, just one characters story (even tho this is mostly ships, but still) anything really. And if some of you guys want, I'll even try my hand at smut (which will most likely suck [in more ways than one ;)]). Ayway, yeah, I'm desperate for ideas for this. If you are reading this, suggest something, ANYTHING. I feel like a man dying of thirst over here. Have a good day/night!

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