The Person Behind the Torment

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Y/n's POV

I stare at him and rage fills my mind, soul and body. My hands clench to fists.
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?" He looks up at me Clay stares at me blankly. It's the one person I was praying for it not to be... the one person who I wished was safe all these years... It was no one other than my brother.
"Because I love you.. more than as family... I didn't want you to end up with someone like him but I guess I failed."
"You're sick and twisted... Richards, please get him out of here..." Richards nods and takes him away in handcuffs and I let out a sigh. Tears swell in my eyes. All this time, my brother, whom I worried about and cared for so much, was the one trying to kill me and bringing me to my darkest points. I turn to Clay and he wraps his arms around me while I sob into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry..." he mutters to me in a gentle tone. "I'm so.. so sorry..."

We stay like this for about an hour and head back to the apartment. I fall asleep in the car and I'm assuming Clay brought me up to sleep.

I wake up in his arms. The gentle scent of his hoodie bringing me to my senses. I look up at him and he's still asleep. Thoughts flood back to my head as I begin to overthink. My whole body trembles and I clutch onto him tighter and bury my face in his hoodie. Eventually, he holds me just a little closer, and it makes my heart jump. "You okay?" He asks in a hushed tone.
"I don't know... just... Dani. I worried for him and he was the one trying to kill me.. all this time.."
"Hey, right now, let's not think about him okay?" He looks at me and I at him. "Right now it's about you. You know what? Today is going to be all about you. What do you want to do?" My eyes widen.
"Yeah. You."
"Oh uhm... well... I'm not sure... what do you want to do?" He smiles and rolls his eyes while laughing.
"I want to do whatever you want to do." I stop and think for a moment.
"Why don't we just.. go out for dinner? We can have a nice dinner and then go to the observatory and look at the stars!" I let out a light chuckle.
"Okay that sounds good..."

We spend the day cuddling and watching YouTube until it's time for us to get ready. I put on my usual, a pair of jeans and a hoodie, when I walk out however, Clay is in almost the exact same thing.
"Eheh you look... wow... it's like you're a mini me!" He picks me up and spins me and I just laugh along.
"You look like a bigger me!" Once we're done, acting like idiots, we let Zak know about our plans, then, we leave.

Clay drives Zak's yellow Audi R8 (MY DREAM CAR) since I still need to get a replacement car, and we head to a restaurant called Grilled. I'd never heard of it but the burgers were AMAZING! We eat and talk and laugh until it's time to leave. The sweet aroma of the fresh burgers leaving my nose. We get in the car once again and Clay takes us up some pitch black streets. The only things we can see is what's in front of us with our headlights. He pulls on to the side of the road and I look at him. The lights gently illuminate his face with a soft white tinge and I'm assuming it did the same to mine. Before I know it, Clay grabs my cheek gently and we lean in. Our lips meet and we begin kissing. Our tongues intertwine with one another and the heat of his breath is warm.

Soon after, we pull away and I blush bright red. He stares at me with a dewy look and I sigh, taking in all the features of his face.
"Why'd you kiss me?" I ask, curiously. He stares at me and sighs.
"Well, there's a lot of reasons why.. because you're funny and smart, you're cute but also hot... You're amazing and incredible in every single way..." He covers his face while I sit there with my mouth parted slightly still.

"Why'd you kiss me back?"

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