The Question

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I turn to her and sigh, realising she won't remember any of this when she's off the laughing gas.
"I don't know. You probably don't like me back so I just hid my feelings away." She sits up and smiles.
"Come here I want to tell you a seecret..." Giggling, she covers her mouth.
"Okay.. of course." I lean in and she kisses me. It felt like pure bliss... I gently placed my hand on her cheek and kissed her back, closing my eyes. We pull away and as we do, Zak walks in.
"SKEPPY!" She yells.
"Shhh... go to sleep okay?" He sighs, rolling his eyes.
"Nooo you'll be gone when I wake up..." she crosses her arms.
"I won't be I promise." I chime in
"Yayy okay!" She laughs.


I help Y/n out the car and into the elevator.
"Feel good to be out of the hospital?" I laugh.
"Yess! I'm so glad.."
"And what's the rule now?"
"No leaving without telling you first." She smiles proudly.
"Good. Now Cmon. I'll help you to the apartment." I take her bag and we walk down the seemingly long corridor and to Zak, George and Harvey's apartment. As soon as we walk in, Harvey and George hug her.
"Welcome home!" George smiles.
"Thank you." She smiles back.
"You too Clay. Welcome home." Harvey hugs me.
"Thanks. Here's money for this weeks rent for both of us by the way." I hand him $450 cash.
"Thanks. We paid for this week but I'll use it next week."

Y/n's POV

I watch Clay hand Harvey money and I can't help but feel bad. He paid for both of us. We head to our room and Clay puts my bag off to the side. I lay in bed, feeling exhausted.
"You can sleep if you'd like Y/n... I'm going to stream some speed runs."
"I'll just watch you." I smile, leaning on one side and watching him start up his stream. Since I've been out at the hospital, I've really missed out on a lot. Even Clay hitting 12 million... I watch him record and soon, fall asleep.

Dream's POV

While I'm streaming, a donation pops up and I read it out loud.

Are you and Toastie a couple?

"No we aren't. We're just good friends!" I smile even though no one can see me. I turn to look at her and sigh to myself. She's fast asleep on my side of the bed with my hoodie on. I turn back and decide to join the smp being bored of speed running and as soon as I join, I hear someone hitting me and realise it's George.

GeorgeNotFound: join vc3
Dream: why?
GeorgeNotFound: just do it

I join the vc and I'm met with George's voice.
"Dreammmmm." He says with an auto tuned voice. "You smell like beans, yea, and maybe some peas, uh."
"What?!" I laugh.
"Yea Dreaaaammmm loves Gogy and it's disgustinggg." I didn't even realise Quackity was in the call but he's doing the same.
"Nooo I don't that's a lieeee." George responds.
"I'm going to write a fanfic about Dream and Gogyyy because they are in loveeee."
"What?!!" I sit there baffled and before I can respond further, I hear George respond.
"Well you're wrongggg because Dream loves Toastieeeeee."

As soon as he says that my chat goes mental.

Dreamxtoastie: I KNEW IT!!
Punz: Woah what? I'm simpin for Dream still.
Mimzychu: BRUHHHHH
Ghostly: SINCE WHEN?
Toastiestanx: OMG YES!!
Dreamur: YES

"Dreammm and Toastie are totally in love, Toastie stole George's maaaaan." Quackity laughs and George ughs while I finish off my stream. After the stream, I talk to Quackity and George a little while longer.
"Dream, are you and Toastie like, a real thing?" George asks.
"Why is everyone asking the same stupid question?"
"We're just curious that's all." Quackity replies.
"Well we aren't... I wish we were but, like, I dunno. I like her a lot but it's just, I feel like she doesn't like me back or something... I dunno.."

Y/n's POV:

I wake up to Dream yelling 'what' while on stream. I decide to sit there and watch for a while. It's cute when he's focussed on something... After about half an hour he ends his stream but is still talking to someone.
"Why is everyone asking the same stupid question?" I furrow my brow. What question? "Well we aren't... I wish we were but, like, I dunno. I like her a lot but it's just, I feel like she doesn't like me back or something... I dunno.." I feel my heart drop. I don't know if it's heartbreak or more... I really liked him but he likes someone else? I close my eyes and try to sleep again but can't. As I'm moving, Clay turns around and looks at me. "Guys I'll talk to you both later." He ends the call and smiles. "Hey, did I wake you? I'm sorry.." I sigh and shake my head.
"Nono you didn't. I was just going to get some water."
"I'll get it. You shouldn't be moving too much. Doctors orders." He smiles. Oh god his smile... I feel like I'm falling for him more every day.
"Okay... then I might sleep again after if you want to join me. It's 1 am."
"Yeah of course. You okay? You seem upset.."
"Yea I'm okay... totally fine!" I smile.
"Okay... I'll be two seconds." I watch him leave and as soon as he does, I fall back into bed. My mine races with thoughts. Why would he call my he girlfriend if he likes someone else? It's probably because he was playing with my feelings... but he wouldn't do that. He's only been in LA for two weeks...

Clay comes back in with water and I gulp it down quick. As soon as he lays down, he tries to do his usual or pulling me close and holding me while I bury my face in his chest. This time however, I turn my back to him.
"Okay now I know somethings wrong..." he leans over to look at me.
"It's nothing..." I sigh.
"It can't be nothing if you're turning away from me. What's wrong?"
"I just..." I turn over and face him and our faces meet, only a few centimetres away. "Clay... do you like anyone?"
"Yes actually... is that what's bothering you?" I nod my head reluctantly and I hear him sigh. "Y/n..." he pulls my chin up and kisses me. I pull away and see his face shocked as I do.
"What are you doing? You like someone so why are you kissing me?"
"I think you know."
"No I don't! Why are you doing this to me?" I feel a year run down my face.
"Are you serious?"
"Yes! Stop leading me on! You just keep playing with my heart and it hurts!" He wipes my tears away.
"I'm not playing with your heart." He smiles that stupid smile again.
"You are! You don't like me so why be like this?"
"Because you're wrong Y/n. I've liked you... no, LOVED you since we first started talking more! Y/n I'm not leading you on because it's you! You're the one I like okay? You're the only one I want." I feel shock fill my body when I hear that.
"You're joking..."
"No... In fact, I love you so much that I want you to be my girlfriend so, I'm going to do this properly..."

"...Y/n, Will you be my girlfriend?"

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