Living together?

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The plane lands and I get excited to see Clay. Someone opens the door and I get out, stretching and blocking the lights from my eyes. I make it into the airport with my carry on and my other bags and when I walk out the gate, I see a familiar tall figure start running toward me. My heart jumps with joy and when he makes it too me, I let go of my bag and he picks me up and spins me, holding me tight.
"Oh got I missed you so much!" He says, his voice muffled by my clothes.
"I missed you too.." I smile.

We pull apart after a good minute and head to his car.
"I have a surprise for you.." He says, squeezing my hand.
"Oh really? What is it?" I reply, hoping he will tell me.
"Well when I heard you were going to be here for more than a week, I got in contact with your mum and we came to an agreement..." my eyes widen... my mum? Why would he need to talk to her?
"Yeah and?" We put my bags in the car and I get in the front seat.
"Well.. you're actually staying here for 6 months. I've rented out an apartment for just me and you... Just as practice for the future..." As soon as he says that, I freeze... Half a year with the love of my life... Living together, alone... "Y/n..?"
I snap out of my trance and see him looking at me eagerly. "Well what do you think?"
"This is amazing..! I'm so happy!" Tears of joy swell in my eyes and I hug him. He hugs me back and when we break apart, he types the address into maps and we head there.

When we see the building, it looks amazing. There's a fountain in the middle of a large garden, along with the main building. I stare in awe and we park inside the parking bay, designated to us. Clay let's me out and I stretch, feeling my body fill with relief when I finally relax my muscles.
"M'lady," I turn to Clay and he's already grabbed my bags from the boot of his car and has his arm curved for me to intertwine mine with.
"Why thank you sir, oh how distinguished!" We laugh at our on-going joke and head into the elevator. "Don't we need to check in?" I question, watching the numbers go up.
"Well I already thought of that..." he pulls two keycards out of his pocket as I take one.
"Wow you really have thought of everything." As I say that, the elevator stops and the doors open.
"After you." He smiles.
"Why thank you!" I laugh and walk out. Clay follows and then leads the way to our new home for the rest of this year and the beginning of the next. He stops and opens the door, though once he does, I'm greeted with a cliche path of rose petals leading into what I presume is the bedroom, along with a candle lit path. I gasp, looking around in awe. "Did you do all this?" I question, my heart jumping for joy.
"Yeah, I did. It look a while but I wanted to surprise you, why not follow the path?" I turn back to the path and walk, holding his now free from baggage hand into our bedroom. A heart made from rose petals is set out on the bed, as well as a bottle of champagne and box of chocolates. The T.V. is set to a repeating video of a fireplace and there's a hoodie and sweatpants set on the chair besides it. "I thought you and I could have some us time and a little date in our new room... I hope you like it."
"I love it... Thank you so much..." I hug him tight and he leaves the room for me to change into the comfortable clothes he left me. When I walk out, he smiles and pats the seat next to him on the couch for me to sit. I do and he immediately tackles me and attacks me with kisses.
"YOU'RE NEVER ESCAPING!" He yells while laughing.
"ACK LET ME GO!" I say in between laughs.

After a while, we decide to order food and watch a movie. We order Chinese and play a childhood throwback. (Movie of your choice.)
"I'm so glad we can finally live life somewhat normally..." he smiles while running his fingers through my hair.
"Same... but... what do you mean by somewhat?" I ask, confusingly.
"Well we are famous. We still have to be careful of where we speak sometimes because people could recognise our voices."
"Famous? Me? Pshhh..." I push his shoulder lightly and we quickly go back to watching the movie. "It is nice though..."



(This is a joke you only follow if you want to I'm sorry)

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