Plane Flight

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I limp around the house, attempting to clean before Dream arrives.
"Stop Y/n! You're going to hurt yourself.." I hear my mum tell me.
"Well the house has to be clean for him! Besides, you guys have some business thing in Canada right? You'll be gone for months anyways so I'll have to do things for myself."
"Dream will be here right?" She replies feeling pleased with herself for proving me wrong.
"Only for a month-"
"We can't have that." My mum sighs and then pick her phone up. She dials a number and then it rings. A muffled voice comes through. "Prepare my private jet. We're going to have a guest here for a while and I want him to fly in the best of the best. What times his flight honey?" I hear her ask.
"11:30 am his time... which makes it 8:30 our time." After sitting on the phone for a while, she hangs up and smiles at me. "He's going to stay for longer. I can't have you alone while your father and I are overseas."
"Wait so how much does it cost him?"
"Absolutely nothing!" My eyes widen and a smile creeps onto my face. "Thank you!" I hug her.
"It's okay. Anything for anyone who helps my daughter..." I head up to my room to grab my phone so I can message Dream.



I have good news :)

What is it?

Check yo bank account

They refunded my ticket?! Why would they do that-?

My mum wants you to stay with us for longer sooo... bring ur pc and monitor. You're flying on our private jet! Oh and staying for a couple more months.


Ya. I couldn't even offer you a ride before you were like, "noOooO I cAn PaY"

shut up...

What time is my flight now then?

Same time. Just get there 2 hours earlier for security and ya u probably know the rest.

Yeah of course! I better leave now... also isn't it 6 am for you or something?

Yea I'm pretty tired but I need to pick you up.

Have a nap or something till I make it there.

Okayyy... See you soon Dweam.

yea... cya soon. <3


I lay on my back staring up at my roof. Thinking about meeting THE one and only Dream... it gave me butterflies. I set a timer for an hour before I have to pick him up and close my eyes.

Dreams POV:

Slipping my phone in my pocket, I get butterflies of nervousness. We are going to be sleeping in the same bed... same room... without her parents... just me and her alone at her house... What am I even saying!? I pick up my bags and head outside to the Uber waiting. He helps me to load them in and takes my to the airport, silently the whole time. I scroll through Twitter checking to see what I missed.
I feel like Twitter is just full of Drama these days... I roll my eyes and decide to stalk Y/n's main instagram. There's so many nice photos yet she talks bad about herself all the time.

After half an hour, we finally arrive at the airport. It's only a 4 hour flight from Orlando to LA but I'm not excited for it. I go through the security and after eating a snack, I'm then escorted to the jet. When I board, it's beautiful. There's red velvet floors and massage chairs. There's diamonds embroidered into the matte black silk walls and it's overall like a Hollywood star's jet.

I take a seat and the pilot talks over the speaker.
"Please place your seatbelt on as we are about to take off. Thank you." I buckle it up and sigh.
"I wish Y/n was here with me..." I look out the window as we take off.

Your POV:

I wake up to my alarm, repeating it's little tune over and over.
"Ughhhh... what's the timeee..." I roll over and lift my phone so it's facing me. "11 am? Why am I up nowww.." I groan. After a few moments of nodding off, I remember. "DWEAM!" I sit up quickly but a little too quickly for my aching body to handle. I fall back down, holding my arm in pain. "Ow ow ow owww..." I roll around on my bed like an idiot, gripping my arm in pain with my eyes held shut, tight. I grab my sling which is resting on my bedside table and put it on, wrapping it around my arm and tying it around my neck. I sit up more carefully this time and head downstairs for breakfast. I make cinnamon toast crunch and place a few apple slices in with it. Scrolling through Instagram while I eat, I come across an advertisement for Dreams merch. The feeling of giddiness comes back, remembering he's going to be here in only an hour. I finish up quickly and head back to my room to change and leave. I unwrap my sling and wrap on the bandage which I was given. It fasten it tight and change, heading out to my car and driving to the airport. The plane should be landing in 15 minutes. As soon as I get out the car, I'm met with a set of arms grabbing me from behind. I panic and shake attempting to get free and then a calming voice relaxes me.
"Hey HEY it's okay! It's me!" I turn my head and see...
"Dream!!" I spin the rest of my body and hug him tight.
"Hey Y/n." He smiles and holds me closer.
"I thought you weren't landing for another 15 minutes?"
"We landed early. Remember it's your jet..." I chuckle and help him load his things into the car. I jump in the drivers seat and Dream in the passengers.
"Hey, y/n..?" Dream says, timidly.
"What's up?" I ask.
"I just wanted to do this..."


Oooooof Whats Dweamy Dweam gonna do? No one knows but me! Mwahahaha!!

Anyways, don't forget to follow my Twitter and instagram for regular updates on the stories I'm making and when I post a chapter. Alsooo follow them just bc I wanna talk to some of you!!
Instagram: poof.mp2
Twitter: poofmp2

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