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"...can I call you Clay..?" My eyes widen to those words due to it being completely unexpected.
"You want to call me by my real name..?"
"I mean... yea if it's okay..? You don't call me Toastie so I was just wondering... it was a stupid question, Nevermind-" She begins talking too fast for me to keep up so I kiss her to silence her.
"Of course you can..." I smile to reassure her.
"R-Really..?" She stutters in disbelief. "Thank you-!" A smile grows on her face, one that I missed due to the events of before. I swear if I ever find that mother fu- "Are you hungry?" Her sudden voice cuts my thoughts off.
"Are you..?" I question.
"Yeah... should we ask the officer to grab us our food from the fridge?"
"I'll grab it. Let me ask him." I smile to reassure her. I open the door and peek my head out to the officer. "Yo, is it cool if I grab our food and drinks from the fridge quickly?" He looks down at me.
"Yea just quickly. We don't know when he could show up. Stay low."
"Thanks dude." I walk out, crouching behind the island and opening the fridge. I grab the McDonald's bag and our drinks and do the same thing back. I give the officer a nugget for his troubles and walk inside, shutting the door softly afterwards.
"Yay!" She smiles, seemingly excited.
"Yay-" I say as well. I hand her food to her and start to eat mine. We continue talking softly and eating until all our foods gone. We put the rubbish in the bag and place the bag in the corner, out of the way, laying back down but this time, cuddling.
"Is this okay?" I hear her ask me, obviously meaning the cuddling.
"Of course. You're so cute..." she giggles.
"No I'm nottt!" She drags out the end of the word.
"Shh... sleep now." I laugh.
"Okay..." yawning, she closes her eyes and falls asleep fairly quickly. I decide to stay up and keep watch for the night to make sure she's one hundred percent safe from that psychopath.

It feels like I've been up since forever but I eventually start seeing the sun come up slowly. The warm glow shines through the sides and bottom of the blinds. The room turns a yellow tinge and I yawn, stretching but carefully as to not wake Y/n. As I am however, I feel a buzz from my phone.

Twitter: Dream Team, 5 new notifications.

I sigh and open them.


Dream Team 🤔🥱🤣

Dream come on the smp

Yeah Dream, get onnnnn



Idiot he's probs sleeping

I will when Y/n gets up and I know she's safe.

Wdum 'Safe'?

Well... there was this guy and he's like, a mega fan or something? He found her face first then stalked her and found her house and he abused the hell out of her. Last night, he through a hammer with her blood into her window and I'm just worried about her..

woah... that's messed up man.

Yea... did you call cops?

Ye he's outside our door keeping guard

Okay good... stay safe ok?

Yeah.. we still need to meet up!

I'll try I guess... I stayed up all night to make sure she's safe...

Cant keep her safe if you're tired


I leave the chat and pull Y/n closer. I can keep her safe and I will... I sigh. Y/n begins stirring in her sleep and jumps up in a panic.
"Y/n-! It's okay.. you're safe!" I pull her back so she's leaning on my lap and I comb my fingers through her hair.
"Wha- You- You're okay.." she smiles looking relieved but confused.
"Yeah of course..." A tear escapes her tired eyes and I wipe it away. "What's going on..?"
"You died... right in front of me... and he was standing over you..." she says as she sobs.
"Well I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I promise..!" I smile at her.
"Okay..." she sighs and I wipe the rest of her tears away as they come. She grabs her phone and checks it for the time. "It's 8 am... is the officer okay?" Y/n asks, getting up and opening the door.
"Hey Y/n. How was your sleep?" The officer asks with a smile.
"Oh hello! It was okay. I kinda miss my bed. Would you like some breakfast? I'm going to make English style muffins." I love seeing her like this. She has this thing where she'll freak out and panic one minute but then she'll be cheery and happy the next. It's one of the many things I love about her... "Earth to Clayyyy!" I jump, realising I was staring at her.
"Huh? Sorry what was that?" Chuckling, she repeats herself.
"Would you like your egg with a cooked yolk or a liquidy yolk?"
"Whatever's fine." I smile.
"You two are such a cute couple!" The officer says, smiling.
"Oh we aren't a couple hah-" Y/n says.
"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realise!"
"It's okay Officer Richards. You didn't know." She smiles. It kinda hurts to admit. I wish we were a couple but we just aren't. My eyes are beginning to get extremely heavy while waiting for my food. "Clay you look tired... did you get sleep last night?.."   Y/n looks at me concerningly.
"Maybe..." I chuckle nervously. Here it comes...
"CLAY YOU NEED TO SLEEP!! Oh my goodness... WHY DIDN'T YOU SLEEP IDIOT!" She yells. Y/n does this a lot I've noticed. She'll be mad but calm down and... Oop here it comes. "Please sleep soon... okay?.." Her hands are clasped together and her eyes are sparkling. "I don't want you losing sleep because of me..." Officer Richards looks amazed at this side of her. I like to call it hot and cold.
"I will I will... tonight.." I smile.
"Okay... I can't have you tired all the time..." She pouts. I help her finish off our breakfast and we all eat, enjoying every bite.

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