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I yawn as I look at the time which is glowing on my monitor. 12.34 am. I decide to end my stream there due to the lack of motivation I have left in me to talk.
"That's going to be all for today guys. It's 12 am and I'm so tired haha. I hope to see you all in the next one!" Before I say goodbye, I get a donation.

Dream has donated $25.00!
Aww I just got here though!

The chat begins going crazy, people telling me to continue on so Dream can watch, others saying they want him to stream with me, telling me to join the Dream smp. "Well I mean, if Dream wants me to I'm down. I can keep streaming for another hour." I'm too tired to show excitement but on the inside I'm screaming.

Dream has donated $5.00!
Collab right now. I'll send you the details on Twitter.

I smile, even more excited to collab with one of my favourite creators. I'm so surprised he was even watching me in the first place!
"Wait, collab now? It's 12 in the morning!" I say, "just stop donating! I appreciate it just don't send me money just to talk."

Dream has donated $1.00!

I sigh and roll my eyes, then I see a message pop up on Twitter.
"Guys let me quickly put the stream on hold so I can sort this out. It will take 5 minutes!" I get a bunch of messages, telling me not to worry and I smile. So supportive... putting my stream on hold, I open my message from Dream.



Yo. What's your ts?

Hello to you too. It's xxxxxxxx

Sorry. Hello Toast, how is your day so far?

Its great thank you. How about yours Dream?

Its been good. Alright let's jump in the ts.


We both jump into team speak and I say hi first. I soon realise my voice changer isn't on when I hear Dream gasp.
"You're a GIRL?!"
"Oh shit..." I mumble.
"What the fuck?! Since when we're you a girl?? You sound so boyish in your streams!"
"My voice changer isn't on! Calm down..."
"You're WERE my top favourite but now I feel lied to.."
"I'm sorry Dweam... please forgive me.."
"Maybeeeee if you beg." He snickers
"Yeah... wait BEG?! Like Beg you??." I ask, dumbfounded.
"Unless you come up with something better..." he says, pulling himself close to his mic to make the last word louder.
"I left my stream on hold so we should probably head back in." My voice gets deeper mid sentence due to the voice changer being turned on and I turn back on my stream, attempting to change the subject. "Yo dudes we're back and this time I have Dream with me. Dream you wanna say hi?" I snicker
"Hello everyone!" As the minutes go by, the number of viewers gets higher and higher. People in chat are all excited to see Dream and I playing bedwars and skywars together. The chats going so fast I can barely read it.



Dream x Reader ~ Falling for youWhere stories live. Discover now