The Answer

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"... Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" My eyes widen and my cheeks turn warm...
"Are you being serious?" I ask, my hands trembling a little.
"Yea... I want to know. Will you be my girlfriend?" He grabs my hands this time and I smile.
"Come on, stop playing around." Nudging him I decide to lay back down.
"I'm serious." He stares into my eyes.
"Honestly, I would love to... it's just that, I want to get this stalker off my back before I do anything that could put you in a situation like that..." I sigh. "I'm going to go to bed. Don't stay up too late."

As soon as I feel him stand up from off the bed and hear the door close, I sigh again. I don't want him to get hurt... after 5 minutes he walks back in and grabs his hoodie and his house keys as well as a mask. When I realise, I sit up and face him.
"Clay? Where are you going?" He sighs and looks at me with a pasted on smile.
"I just have to see someone. They're sick so they asked me to bring a uhm, mask so I don't breath his... particles... in..." He plays around with the house keys and I decide to give him a hug.
"Stay safe okay? Call me in an hour so I know you're okay.." He nods and walks out.

Switching on my PC, my body feels weak still and I struggle to play any games so I just watch YouTube in my gaming chair. I pull the lever and make it so it's laying down and snuggle in Clay's hoodie. His scent makes my heart race so much, it feels like it's melting...

Dream's POV

As soon as I get in the uber, I take a deep breath and sigh. If she won't be with me till this stupid guys gone, I'll get rid of him myself...

The Uber arrives at her house and I open the door, calling for Richards. Soon after, he appears at the hall.
"Hey, how's the investigation?" I ask, tryna break the ice.
"We've spotted suspicious activity today out in the backyard" Before he finishes his answer, I head out the back door and search for this stupid guy... this stupid guy is stopping me from being with her... this stupid guy is stopping us from being alone together... this stupid, stupid creep... My hands ball into fists as I begin to get even angrier than I was before. Pacing down the backyard as the cool air hits my face and I sigh.

After hours of waiting, I spot a shadow. Without thinking, I jump onto my feet and race towards it and jump at it, managing to grab it, but, as soon as I look at it,
"Y/n?" She looks up at me with a painted on smile.
"Hey.. What are you doing here?"
"I just want this to all be over with so I can be with you... wait what are you doing here?"
"I had a feeling... and Richards called me..." I sigh and hug her tight and she does the same. "Wait Clay watch out-!" She yells and spins me around and I hear a thump. Her body turns limp and I catch her before she falls. A shadow escapes into the bushes which I assume is him. I call out for Richards and he races out. Once I hand her to him, I chase the guy in the same direction he was in. I spot him running down a long straight sidewalk. I keep chasing him until I gain on him and jump on him, pinning him down. I pinch him in the jaw once... twice... more times than I am count until Richards pulls me off of him and puts him in handcuffs. We head back to the house and I check on Y/n who's in her room. She's awake. I race over to her and hug her as tight as I can.
"Never do that again... you worried me so badly you have no idea..."
"I'm sorry... Did you get him?" Before I can answer she spots my hand which is stained with bright red. "Clay... you got him?" I nod and she smiles. "Where is he?"
"I'm guessing downstairs with Richards.. want to go see who's been terrorising you for months now?"
"Of course!" We get up and head downstairs. I take her hand and squeeze it so she knows I'm there and Richards looks up at us while we're coming down the stairs. Once we make it, we look at the face of the guy who has been terrorising us. Y/n let's go of my hand and steps back. "What- Wh- WHY?"

Dream x Reader ~ Falling for youWhere stories live. Discover now