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"Why'd you kiss me back?" I blush and look at my hands while fiddling with my hoodie.
"Because..." I begin, nervously. "I-I... I love you.." before he can speak, I cut in front of him. "If you think it's too early to say I love you it's okay! You don't have to-"
"Y/n... I love you too." He smile and chuckles. "I really do... it feels like so long ago I realised I fell for you.. I fell for every part of you.." He turns on the radio and gets out the car. He signals for me to do the same and I do so, confused of what he's doing. He walks over to me and takes my hands.
"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks quickly. I smile and stare up into his eyes as he slowly opens them.
"Yes... of course I will." I see his face light up and he pulls me into a tight hug.
"You make me the happiest person on earth.. I'm so happy to have you in my life..."

We dance under the stars and listen to music. After a while, we head home and decide it's time to go back to my house the next morning. We cuddle and fall asleep happily in each others arms.

-1 month later-

Dream has gone back to Florida and we talk everyday. I miss him so much but my parents are letting me take out private jet to see him soon.
"OH DREAMMMM!" George yells out during one of their manhunt videos. I'm in spectators mode and watching it all go down while streaming as a 'special edition' peek.

RealToastieStan has donated $50!
When will the video be out?

I smile.
"It should be out sometime soon... this is you guy's sneak peek into the behind the scenes!"

Sapnap has donated $5
We have a plan. Don't tell Dream

I chuckle at Sapnap's donation. "Okay!" The chat starts going crazy at the donation. I try read most of the messages but I can't due to it going so fast.


UnrecognisedFace: YES GO DREAM GO GO GO


Person404: What's their plan?


"I don't know honestly who will win. It's hard to tell." Laughing, I get a message on my phone. "Guys I have to mute for a bit. Enjoy the entertainment!" I mute myself and pick up my phone.



Dinners almost ready. I know your streaming so I didn't wanna come up and disturb you.

I'll be down soon. They're almost finish I hope


I unmute my mic and sigh. "Okay we're back. Let's go see what's going on." I teleport to Dream and see Dream place down an end crystal. He builds up a couple walls with stone brick and waits to be spotted. Eventually, you hear Bad yell.
"THERE HE IS GUYS HES RIGHT THERE!" Dream gasps and pretends to sound annoyed.
"Oh my godddd LEAVE ME ALONE!" I laugh at them both as Dream practically leads them towards his trap. As soon as he's on the other side, he shoots an arrow to the end crystal and kills all three of them.
"WHAT?" Sapnap squeals and Dream laughs, finishing off George.
"YESSS!" Dream spends time, gathering ender pearls and going into the end. He gets rid of all the crystals and begins killing the enderdragon but as he does, he sees the boys get the achievement. He rushes to kill the enderdragon and gets flung in the air.
"No-" he lands his Mlg water and keeps hitting the enderdragon having run out of beds. He shoots his bow and kills the enderdragon as George kills him. The three boys start celebrating but Dream begins arguing.
"No I won! I killed the enderdragon.-"
"But you died." George replies.
"But I still killed the enderdragon!"
"Yeah but you died!" Sapnap says after.
"No the rules are if I kill the enderdragon then I win!"
"Let's ask Toastie." George says.
"Fine then Toastie who won?" Dream asks.
"Dream did. He killed the enderdragon before you killed him.
"Oh come on! You're only saying that because he's your boyfriend.." Bad says. You can practically hear him rolling his eyes but my heart stops.
"He's joking guys! He's joking..." George yells quickly, attempting to cover up bads mistake.
"Yeah! Totally joking!" Sapnap says after.

I quickly say bye to my stream and end it. I facepalm and sigh.
"There's no going back now.." I mumble.
"I'm sorry Y/n! I'm so so sorry..."
"It's okay bad it's not your fault..."

Dream and I say our goodbyes to the boys and head off to talk about the whole thing.


Incoming FaceTime Call:
My Pissbaby 🥺❤️
Accept: 🟩       Deny: 🟥


I press accept and I'm greeted with Clay's face.
"Soo..." he starts, breaking the silence.
"So.." I reply back, not knowing what to say.
"Should we tell our fans?" I sigh hearing that and my body tenses.
"I guess..." I reply. "I just don't know what the fandom will think about it... they're already toxic as it is... if we make it official we're going to get so much negative feedback."
"Well it's our life! If we choose to be together then that should be up to us. They just have to understand that." Clay smiles and it makes me feel relaxed and reassured.
"Okay... Screw it. Let's do it."


Toastie @toastiemain
Okay so I'm just going to say it, yes @dreamwastaken and I are officially together! I'm so happy to announce it. I hope you call can accept us for our choices <3


Dream x Reader ~ Falling for youWhere stories live. Discover now