The End... || Part 1

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I wake up in mine and Clay's bed and confused I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I look over to my right and spot Clay, still sleeping. I cuddle him and attack him with small kisses.
"Ack- What are you doing!" He laughs.
"Wake up, wake up, wake uppp!" I say, giggling as I tickle him with my lips. Soon after, he flips over and grabs me.
"I've got you now!" He laughs and holds me tight.
"Nooo! Please let me go!" I say, mocking him.
"Never!!" He begins tickling my hips. I laugh really hard, to the point where I'm unable to breathe. As we're mucking around, the phone rings.
"Is it mine or yours?" I ask.
"It's your mum." He hands me my phone and I answer.

"Hey mum! How are you-... woah calm down explain what happened. I'll put you on speaker so Clay can hear you too." I put her on speaker and Clay grabs my hand.

"There's... he's back.. there's blood on the window... Y/n, I think it's your brother..!"

As soon as I hear those words, my heart stops...
"What?.." my eyes swell with tears, Clay pulling me into a tight, comforting hug. "I thought... I thought he was..."
"Miss L/n, isn't he in prison?" Clay takes over, gently running his fingers through my hair.

"They called me today... he escaped.. he's back..-"

My heart rate quickens as I grab Clays phone to call Richards. I get up and head into the other room so no one can hear me. "Hello? Yea it's Y/n... Is it true?... shit... Look after mum please. Don't leave her side... I'll be okay because I'm out of town... alright.. thank you, bye.." I head back to Clay and pass him back his phone. My mum has left the call too.
"I have to go help my mum Clay... I got to go back.." I sigh, looking down and fiddling with my hoodie.
"I'm going with you." He says, listing my head up by my chin.
"No you can stay here... you don't have to come-"
"Babe we're talking about the guy who almost killed you. I am coming with you whether you like it or not." I sigh and look into his eyes with my hand on his cheek, slowly sliding my thumb up and down.
"But what if you get hurt?" I sigh, my eyes watering.
"Then at least you'll be safe... I love you so much and I'd hate to have anything happen to you... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything did.." As he says that, he grabs me and pulls me into his lap for a hug.
"Okay... please stay safe though. You can't keep me safe in the future if you're not here."
"Of course Y/n.." He holds me closer than I've ever felt him hold me before in my life. I feel him plant a kiss on the top of my head. "Now come on, let's get breakfast so we can head back to your mum's!" He smiles the same smile  which I adore and pulls me up with him.

We make pancakes together and eat them in bed while watching a movie and cuddling. Afterwards, we pack a suitcase each and head to the airport. Lucky for us, the jet doesn't leave till tomorrow, so we were able to get on and go almost straight away. It's a long flight but we make it and as we do, we're greeted by a familiar face... Dani... he's at the airport... waiting...

Clay takes my hand and we rush past him, suitcases dragging behind us. I turn around and he's following us. We race out the doors and straight to a taxi. Clay takes my suitcase and puts them in the trunk while I jump in the car. I tell the driver my address and he drives away. I look behind us in the car and realise he's following... close behind... but just a little too close...

"Clay..." The car swerves to our right side which was the side I was on and I feel Clay clutch me tight as a BANG is felt afterwards.
My ears ring as i slowly open my eyes. I look around quickly, realising where I am. The car is flipped upside down and Clay is beside me, knocked out cold... blood dripping off his forehead... "CLAY-?" I shake him, trying to get him awake but he doesn't move. "CLAY WAKE UP-!" I wrap my arms around him and sob. "Wake up..." as I hold my face in his neck, I hear the car door open. I turn to see Dani...
"Time to go..." he smirks as he unbuckles my belt. I fall to the roof of the car with a thump and he pulls me out. I kick and try to break free but I can't... my body is too weak... "Clay wake u-"
I reach for him till everything turns black...

I wake up in a bed... no mattress... just metal bars and springs. My hands and ankles handcuffed down. I pull at my hands and ankles in an attempt to free myself but to no avail.
"You're awake!" I hear from across the dark room. "Y/n! I missed you!" I look around and spot Dani.
"What do you want with me??" I stare at him as he slowly begins walking towards me with something in his hand.
"You know Y/n... I love you. I've loved you for years. You loved that stupid guy... what was his name?"
"Was? What do you mean was?" My hands begin to tremble with fear... or anger?
"Oh... I made sure he wasn't coming back for you..." he smirks and my eyes water.
"No... NO!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?" I wriggle around trying to free myself but once again, fail.
"Killed hun of course... Knife across the throat you know..." He smirks at me and i sob.
"No you didn't... Please tell me you didn't..." He laughs and gets close to me. His breath hot on my nose.
"Of course not baby... I did better..." He pulls back a curtain and it reveals Clay... He's tied down with duck tape and knocked out cold, a puddle of blood on his legs and on the chair and floor from the the cut on his head.
"CLAY-!" I yell and continue struggling, pulling at my wrists and ankles. "CLAY WAKE UP!" He's unresponsive.
"He won't wake up silly... He has something helping him take a nap!" He lifts up his head and reveals a piece of tissue taped to his nose. "He'll wake up when I want him too which will be very soon don't worry." He smiles and I feel sick to my stomach.
"You bastard..." I feel myself begin to give in to my emotions. The sound of the handcuffs ringing in my ears as everything turns into a frenzy of me attempting to free myself in order to help Clay. He's my main concern... If I lose him I'm nothing...

After an hour of struggling and torture from Dani, I'm out of breath and energy. My body grows weak... unable to feel my fingers and stop my trembling legs.
"I'll be back soon baby... i'll give you guys time to talk and say your goodbyes." He un-tapes the tissue from Clay's nose and pours water over his head which wakes him up in a frenzy. Before Clay can come to his senses, Dani leaves the two of us alone.
"Y/n..?!" He says, his eyes darting around the room.
"I'm here!" I say back, looking up as much as my neck will allow and seeing his face grow into something i've never seen in my life. He looks angry... yet worried and guilty...
"What did he do to you?!" He says, his hands balling into fists.
"I'll be okay... I'm more concerned for you..." I smile weakly at him.
"I feel fine... my heads spinning... but i think i can get through this duck tape..." He leans down and begins biting at the tape.
"Even if you get through... how will you get me out?" I lift my arm, revealing the cuffs.
"I'll find a way or i'll kill him..." He says, continuing to bite into the tape.
"No- No don't kill him... if you get through... please go get the police... Richards should be able to come..." My eyes grow heavy. My body is beginning to give out but I can't show him that.
"YES!" His arm jolts up as he rips through the final piece of duck tape on his right arm. "Listen i'm not leaving you here alone with him..." He says, unravelling the tape around his other hand and then ankles.
"I won't be alone with him if you hurry..." I can feel myself getting weaker and weaker. "Just please go find Richards..." He stands up and heads over for my straight away. My head falls back onto the bed. I feel Clay's gentle touch on my forehead, brushing hair out my face and then he leans in and kisses it.
"I'll be back soon I promise... I'll get Richards and we'll throw this bastard in jail..."
"Please do..." I feel the room grow darker as my body finally gives out and i pass out...

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