Shes My Girlfriend

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Y/n's POV

Dream wraps his arms around me tight but I can't help but think,
He loves me..? He probably didn't mean it... he was tired... but he said he loves me... I debate back and forth in my head for a little while longer and then I sit up, facing Dream. He looks so peaceful... I lean in and kiss his forehead gently, then I get up and head outside. Skeppy's balcony door is broken so I can't go out there... I just decide to go for a drive. I pull on some shoes and grab my car keys. I then head for the elevator, pressing the button for the ground floor, it lowers me down and then, Ground floor, rings through the speakers.

I step out into the fresh air and take a deep breath in. It's almost sunrise so I wanted to head to a lookout spot. I didn't want to bother Dream since he seemed really tired and I just needed some thinking time. I head over to my car and unlock it. Before I can do anything, a huge explosion causes me to fly back and hit the hard pavement. All I remember is my hears ringing and everything turning to black.

Dreams POV

I wake up to a loud explosion engulfing my ears. I sit up, expecting Y/n to do the same but she isn't here... I look at the ground and her shoes aren't either. I get up and as I'm pulling on a hoodie, Skeppy walks out.
"What's going on?"
"Y/n's gone... I don't know what that explosion was but part of me thinks it has something to do with Y/n..." I slip shoes on and head for the elevator. Zak comes with me. Some how, TapL and Spifey managed to sleep through that. We make it to the ground floor and when we walk out, Y/n's car is engulfed in flames which makes it almost unrecognisable... I see a pair of legs a few feet away and realise it's Y/n. I gasp and run over to her as fast as I can and pick her up. There's large cuts on her legs and shoulders and an open wound on her forehead.
"We need to get her to a hospital..." Zak yells over to me while walking over. "She could have a concussion and the fact that she's out cold makes it worse..." I reluctantly agree and stand up with Y/n in my arms, heading over to Zak's car. I lay her in the back seat and decide to sit there too with her head resting on my lap. I feel my eyes gloss over with tears as I run my fingers through her hair. While I'm talking to Zak, I feel her move.
"Clay..?" I hear. I smile while looking down at her, still running my fingers through her hair.
"I'm here... What's up Y/n..?" She tries to open her eyes but one of them she can't. My guess is something got stuck in it.
"What did you mean when you said you love me..?" My eyes widen. Did I really say that? "I mean, I know what it means but did you really mean it..?" I sit there speechless. I didn't expect now, in front of Skeppy, when she's badly injured to be when I confess... I sigh and a smile creeps onto my lips.
"Of course I did..." As soon as I say that, she smiles and closes her eyes tight. "Don't go to sleep I need you to stay awake for me okay?" She opens her eyes again.
"I'm so tired though..."
"I know but you have to stay awake.." I run my thumb down her cheekbone. I swear to god when I see that bastard again I will kill him..

We make it to the hospital and I carry Y/n inside. She's nodding in and out of consciousness. We head straight to emergency and rush in.
"We need help please..." Zak says as we walk in. A nurse comes over and calls for a bed.
"What happened?"
"We don't know exactly... all we know is we heard an explosion and rushed down. I saw Y/n a few feet away..."
"What is your relation to the patient?" The nurse asks. I look at  Y/n and then at the nurse.
"She's my girlfriend... Please you have to help her.." She nods and whisks her away swiftly talking to one of the nurses beside her.

Zak and I sit in the waiting room for what feels like a year... Richards and his partner are investigating the explosion back at the apartment and it makes me anxious. I really hope they catch this guy. After hours of waiting, a nurse comes in.
"She's under anaesthesia but you can see her now." My heart flutters and we follow the nurse to her room.
"Dreammmm!" I hear her say as I walk in. "Skeppy you're here too!" The nurse leaves us alone with her and I smile.
"You're okay!" He chuckles. "I'll give you guys some time to talk. I'll grab a snack for you Dream." He spins on his heel and heads out. I sigh and then look at Y/n. I can't help but tear up a little.
"Y/n I'm so happy you're okay..." She takes my hand.
"I'm happy you're okay. I though you diedd!"
"I died?" I ask.
"Yeah... there was a big boom and then I saw you... I was worried!"
"That's what I saw. You were in the explosion." I shake my head and sit on the chair beside her.
"Dream why do you tell everyone we're dating if we aren't? I know you told me you love me but do you?" My cheeks flush a red glow.
"When did I tell you that?"
"Last night when I woke up!" I feel my eyes widen.

Did I really say that?

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