Going Away

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I sigh as I'm unplugging my pc from the wall and then Dreams. I wanted to be alone with him... now there's three other people? I guess as long as we get out of this alive it doesn't matter... Dream walks in with a bag of both our clothes in it.
"Zak said he has a spare room that we can share. I told him we can pay rent for however long we need to stay there for.. is that okay?" I crawl out from under the desk and smile.
"Of course. I'm sorry you got caught up in this..." I look at the ground feeling bad.
"Don't worry about it! I came here to see you and keep you safe. With TapL, Spifey and Skeppy there it will just be easier and we can enjoy ourselves without being on our toes." He walks over and hugs me. "It's not your fault. This happens to the best of us so don't blame yourself."
"Okay.. I'll try not to." I take my pc out to the car and Dream takes our bag. We head inside to grab the monitors, Keyboards and other pc and take them out too. I do one lap around the house to be sure we have everything we need then, we say our goodbyes and thank you to officer Richards and head out to the car, jumping in and taking off. We listen to music through the aux and it's connected to Dreams phone. A song by The Killers comes on and we muck around, jamming out to it, singing.
"Now they're going to bed-" Dream jumps around and I laugh.
"And my stomach is sick," I continue.
"And it's all in my head," we both sing at the same time.
"But she's touching his chest, now. He takes off her Dress, now." I listen to maps, paying attention to the road then then I take a right, ignoring it.
"We're supposed to keep going straight." Dream says, looking behind us.
"I'm testing something..." I take another left and the car behind us follows. I look in my rear view mirror and take another one. Once again the car follows. I know Dream's noticed because he places his hand on mine which is resting on the gear stick. I take the next left and we've now done a full circle. Instead of heading towards Skeppy's apartment complex, I begin heading back home.
"I'll call Richards." Dream taps on his phone and then it begins ringing.
"Richards here. What's up?" He says as he answers.
"There's a car following us. We're going to head back." Dream squeezes my hand as I start driving a little faster to match the speed limit.
"Okay. I'll call backup on standby just in case. You may need a police escort."
"Okay. Would you like me to hang up or stay on call?"
"Stay on. Requesting backup on standby. Anyone in the area please begin heading to <address>" My heart starts beating faster as the car is extremely close to us. I check my rear view mirror again and he switches lanes, driving sideways towards us to push us off the road. I speed up and take the next left towards my house.
"He just tried to run us off the road. If we speed, how much trouble will we be in?"
"No trouble. You need to get to safety. We'll have cars hidden so we can try to catch him. Try act normal when you get here. We'll be inside."
"Okay." Dream let's go of my hand and I switch to fourth gear, speeding up more. We begin to see my house and a wave of relief brushes over us. I pull into the driveway and park and the car parks behind us.
"We're here."
"Don't get out the car yet. Have Y/n run inside as though she's forgotten something and you stay low."
"Got it." Dream gives my hand a kiss and stares me in the eyes. "Be careful please..." I smile at him and kiss his back.
"I will." Getting out the car, I race inside and meet Richards. I can hear Dream on his phone.
"He's heading around the back. His car is parked 3 houses down. Looks like a Toyota Camry. 2011."
"Okay. Moving in." Richards tells me to stay out and I sit at the island in our kitchen. It's quiet and then Richards walks in. "We lost him. I'll escort you to your friends place." I nod and head back out to Dream. He has a wide smile on his face of both relief and happiness. I get in and Dream reaches over to hug me.
"Did they get him?" He asks hopefully.
"No... they're going to escort us to Zak's though."
"Okay well, let's go." I put the car in reverse and begin heading back to Zak's with officer Richards behind us. Once we make it, he takes off back to my house and I pull into a parking bay. Dream calls Skeppy to let him know we're here and we begin grabbing our stuff. Before we know it, Skeppy walks out.
"Yo!" He smiles at us.
"Yo!" Dream replies. Skeppy brings us both into a hug and helps us with our things, grabbing the keyboards and mouses.
"TapL and Spifey are already waiting in the living room. They don't know Y/n is a girl yet so Shh.." he brings his finger up to his mouth and winks. We nod and head into the elevator and up to their floor.

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